Computer Careers and Certification

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Computer Careers and Certification by Mind Map: Computer Careers and Certification

1. Chapter summary

2. The Computer Industry

3. A guide to certification

3.1. Application Software Certifications

3.2. Operating System Certifications

3.3. Programmer/Developer Certifications

3.4. Hardware Certifications

3.5. Networking Certifications

3.6. Digital Forensics Certifications

3.7. Security Certifications

3.8. Internet Certifications

3.9. Database System Certifications

4. Preparing For A Career In The Computer Industry

4.1. A trade school typically offers programs in

4.2. If you attend a two‐year college, check for an  articulation agreement with a four‐year university

4.3. Three broad disciplines produce the greatest  number of entry level employees

4.4. Many companies list  their job openings,  internship  opportunities, and  career opportunities on  their Web sites

4.5. Job seekers can create a  video resume

4.6. It is important to keep up to date on industry  trends and technologies and to develop new skills

4.7. Computer professionals with common interests  and a desire to extend their proficiency form  py computer‐related professional organizations

5. Student assignments

6. High-tech talk

6.1. bioinformatics

7. Careers In The Computer Industry

7.1. General business and government

7.2. computer equiment field

7.3. computer software field

7.4. computer service andrepair field

7.5. computer sales

7.6. computer education and trianing field

7.7. it consulting

8. Technology trailblazers

9. Certification

9.1. Certification is the process of verifying the technical knowledge of  an individual who has demonstrated competence in a particular  area

9.2. Computer certifications

9.3. IT certifications can

9.4. Preparing for certification

9.5. certification examinations

10. companies on the cutting edge

10.1. dice

10.2. dell