Chapter 7 storage

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Chapter 7 storage by Mind Map: Chapter 7 storage

1. Flash Memory Storage

1.1. -Solid state Drives

1.2. -Memory Cards

1.3. -USB Flash Drives

1.4. -Expresscard Modules

2. Putting It All Together

3. Other Types of Storage

3.1. -Tape

3.2. -Magnetic Stipe Card and Smart Card

3.3. -Microfilm and Microfichp

3.4. -Enterprise Storage

4. Chapter Summary

5. Hard Disk

5.1. -Characteristics of a Hard Disk

5.2. -Hard Disk Controllers

5.3. -RAID

5.4. -NAS

5.5. -Miniature Hard Disks

5.6. -Maintaining Data Stored on a Hard Disk

6. Cloud Storage

7. Optical Discs

7.1. -Care of Optical Discs

7.2. -Types of Optical Discs

7.3. -CDs

7.4. -CD-Rs and CD-RWs

7.5. -Archive Discs and Picture CDs

7.6. -DVD and Blu-ray Discs

7.7. -Record abie and Rewritable DVDs