Game-Based Learning

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Game-Based Learning by Mind Map: Game-Based Learning

1. Types

1.1. Video Games

1.2. Board Games

1.2.1. Monopoly

1.3. Sports Games

1.4. Card Games

1.5. Others

2. Examples of Classroom Usage

2.1. Who wants to be a millionaire?

2.1.1. test knowledge

2.1.2. rewards inform of tokens or activities

2.2. charade

2.2.1. test knowledge

2.2.2. points/rewards

2.3. online Games

2.3.1. New node

3. Defination

3.1. Use of games to learn

3.2. usage of storyline to engage learners

3.3. usage of points/scores/rewards to motivate learning

4. How does it promote learning?

4.1. element of fun

4.2. non threatening environment

4.3. peer motivation/pressure

4.4. learn from mistakes

4.5. Active participation and interaction