Black Ants and Buddhists Chapter 3: Routines A Day in the Life of the Peace Class

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Black Ants and Buddhists Chapter 3: Routines A Day in the Life of the Peace Class by Mind Map: Black Ants and Buddhists Chapter 3: Routines A Day in the Life of the Peace Class

1. Content/Concepts

1.1. How is the material presented

1.1.1. Beginning of the day: morning meeting

1.1.2. Through activities such as debates and completing research

1.2. Who tells

1.2.1. Teacher

1.2.2. Visitors

1.2.3. People at field trip locations

2. Inquiry

2.1. Examples

2.1.1. Students select writing topics

2.1.2. Own book selections

2.2. Missed opportunities

2.2.1. Example of student missing their share time. Later, she was allowed to lead the class in an enriching activity.

3. Pedagogy

3.1. Integration

3.1.1. Songs, poems, writing

3.2. How is the class organized

3.2.1. Predictible structure

3.2.2. Specifically taught routines

3.3. Strategies

3.3.1. Games, other low risk activities

4. Social Justice

4.1. Perspectives

4.1.1. Visitors, field trips to add more voices

4.1.2. Spanish education

4.1.3. Students with different linguistic backgrounds: share information during word roots lesson

4.2. Sensitivity

4.2.1. Teaching emotions, how to avoid hurting others through rude comments and actions (whether intentional or not)

4.2.2. Providing a safe classroom