Creativity Term 4 2009

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Creativity Term 4 2009 by Mind Map: Creativity Term 4 2009

1. Writing - Expressive?

1.1. use online sites

1.2. Use pictures

1.3. use snippets from text

1.4. Poetic

2. English

2.1. Alice in Wonderland

2.2. Transformers

2.3. That pig and spider story

2.4. Drama - theatresports

2.5. Impromptu speaking

2.6. Shrek

2.7. different endings for stories

2.8. using thinker's keys in all curric areas

2.9. picture parts to create new scenes

3. Te Reo

3.1. Mau rakau

3.2. Kapa Haka

4. Technology

4.1. Wikispace for Journal writing and publishn

4.2. ICT Modules

4.3. Movie making???

4.4. photography

4.5. Board games

5. Blooms

5.1. Topic

6. Prep / Junior Modules

6.1. Week 3-7

7. The Arts

7.1. Participate in whetuara

7.2. Jump Jam

7.3. Singing - using karaoke

7.4. Painting - different media

7.5. Rm 4 Leavers do Pou with Josh

7.6. Design: clothing

7.7. Diorama: fantasy

8. Maths

8.1. Geometry for eports

8.2. Using Number sentences to make word problems

9. Health and PE

9.1. Jumpjam

9.2. Athletics

9.3. Menu for healthy meal

10. Wot deep understandings do I want the children to have by the end of this unit?

10.1. That everyone can be creative

10.2. Imagination is a very important part of life

11. Reporting to Parents - Student lead conferences

11.1. What will go into these

11.1.1. Update spelling page

11.1.2. Topic

12. New node