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Child Sexual Abuse por Mind Map: Child Sexual Abuse

1. Signs of Abuse

1.1. Bed wetting

1.2. Aggressive behavior

1.3. Nightmares

1.4. Self harming (Suicide, self Mutilation)

1.5. Substance abuse

1.6. Depression

2. Victims

2.1. Age

2.1.1. Adolescents

2.1.2. Teenagers

2.2. Ethnicity

2.2.1. East Indian

2.2.2. Amerindian

2.2.3. African

2.2.4. Mixed

2.2.5. Other

2.3. Sex

2.3.1. Male

2.3.2. Female

3. Treatment

3.1. Therapy

3.1.1. Group Therapy

3.1.2. Family Therapy

3.1.3. Individual Therapy Play Therapy Art Therapy Written Therapy

3.2. Counselling

3.2.1. Family

3.2.2. Individual

3.2.3. Group

4. Offenders

4.1. Family Friend

4.2. Family member

4.3. Random

4.4. Clergy

5. Economic Status

5.1. Lower Class

5.2. Middle Class

5.3. Upper Class

6. Social Factors

6.1. Substance Abuse

6.1.1. Alcohol

6.1.2. Marijuana

6.1.3. Cocaine

6.1.4. Others

6.2. Family Structure

6.2.1. Single Parent

6.2.2. Extended Family

6.2.3. Nuclear Family

6.2.4. Foster family

6.3. Economic Factors

6.3.1. Poverty

6.3.2. Unemployment

6.4. HIV/ AIDS

6.5. Education

6.6. Laws and Policies

6.6.1. Child Care Policies

6.6.2. Laws and legislations

6.6.3. Child Right Laws

6.7. Health Care

6.8. Cultural Background

7. Effects

7.1. Psychological

7.1.1. Depression

7.1.2. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

7.1.3. Rape trauma symdrome

7.1.4. Substance abuse

7.2. Physical

7.2.1. Eating Disorders

7.2.2. Chronic Pain

7.3. Social

7.3.1. Fear of people

7.3.2. Anti-social

7.3.3. Fear of Relationships

7.4. Sexual

7.4.1. Develop promiscuous behavior

7.4.2. Incest

7.4.3. Prone to sexual exploitation