Future Server Technologies

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Future Server Technologies by Mind Map: Future Server Technologies

1. Simulators

1.1. M5


1.3. MCPAT

1.4. CACTI-D

1.5. Graphite

2. Clustering

2.1. Crossbar scaling

3. Server Consolidation

3.1. Virtual hierarchies

3.2. Cache stomping

4. Network-on-chip

4.1. Topology

4.2. Latency

4.3. Bandwidth

4.4. Power

5. Disc access

5.1. Flash drives

5.2. Data set size

6. Network Traffic

6.1. Load balancing

7. Do you see me doing this live? yes haha

7.1. this is cool

7.1.1. make sure you use tab to make lower level stuff

7.1.2. and enter to add things on the same level

7.1.3. can move around the map using the arrow keys too

8. Memory

8.1. Hierarchy

8.1.1. Cache Design

8.1.2. Memory Control Design

8.1.3. Memory controllers

8.2. Off-Chip Bandwidth

8.2.1. 3D stacked DRAM

8.2.2. New memory technologies

9. Workloads

9.1. Wisconsin Suite

9.2. SPECjbb


9.4. SPECweb

9.5. TPC-H

9.6. SPLASH2

9.7. TPC-W

9.8. Lone Star

10. Instruction Throughput

10.1. Superscalar

10.1.1. Issue width

10.1.2. Branch prediction

10.2. Multi-threading

10.2.1. SMT

10.2.2. Fine-grain

10.2.3. Course-grain

11. Clock frequency

11.1. Power envelope

12. Floating point resources

13. Chip-to-chip communication

13.1. Topology

13.2. Latency

13.3. Bandwidth

13.4. Power

14. Existing work

14.1. PicoServer

14.2. 3D-Stacked Memory Architectures for Multi-Core Processors