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CeLLs by Mind Map: CeLLs

1. The cell wall, "The Skeleton", is made of a stiff material that gives the cell its shape. It protects the cell from damage and is outside the cell membrane. It's main function is to give the cell its shape.

2. Plant Cell:

2.1. The cytoplasm, "The Swimming Pool", is a jelly like substance which allows water, nutrients, wastes and oxygen to pass through. Many important activities take place there.

2.2. The nucleus, "The Brain", is found in the cytoplasm and is a VERY important part of the cell. It controls everything that happens inside the cell and contains hereditary information such as chromosones (chromosones are made up of DNA which contain genes. The nucleus, "The Brain", is found in the cytoplasm and is a VERY important part of the cell. It controls everything that happens inside the cell and contains hereditary information such as chromosones (chromosones are made up of DNA which contain genes.

2.3. The cell membrane, "The Customs", holds the cytoplasm inside the cell and control the substances that go in and out of the cell.

2.4. Note: Not all plant cell have chloroplasts. Some plants do not have chloroplasts as they do not make food using photosynthesis. The roots of a plant do not have chloroplasts either

2.5. The vacuole, "The Spine", more commonly known as sap, is a liquid that is contained within the cavity found in the centre of most plant cells and keeps the cell firm so that the plant can stand upright.

3. Animal Cell:

3.1. - Animal cells have very small vacuoles

3.2. An animal cell has a nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane, it does not have a cell wall or chloroplasts

4. Parts Of A Plant And Animal Cell (only cell wall, cytoplasm,nucleus, cell membrane & vacuole are in the syllabus.)

5. Introduction on cells

5.1. The bodies of all living things are made of cells

5.2. They are the smallest unit of life in a body

5.3. They are invisible to the naked eye

5.4. They carry out life processes (eg. respiration, reproduction, growth)

5.5. Organisms that are made out of 1 cell only are called unicellular organisms while organisms that have more than one cell are called multi-cellular organisms

6. Cell Division

6.1. Cell division is continuous

6.2. Cells increase in number by dividing themselves, this process is known as cell division

6.3. Cells divide so that new cells will replace old cells(that don't live forever) and also to help us repair damaged parts of our body

7. Yeast

7.1. Yeast multiplies by a special cell division called budding

8. Binary Fission/Cell division:

9. A simple diagram to show the process of budding

10. Red Blood Cells

10.1. They carry oxygen and are made in bone marrow.

10.2. Red because of Haemogoblin pigment. Life span of about 4 months

10.3. They do not have a nucleus so that it will make way for more air, oxygen. They can also produce up to 9000 million per hour!

11. Prokaryotic Cells

11.1. Cells with nucleus

12. Eukaryotic Cells

12.1. Cells with no nucleus

13. Unicellular

13.1. Paramecium

13.2. Amoeba

13.3. Yeasts

13.4. Euglena

13.5. Bacteria

14. multi-cellular

14.1. Plants

14.2. Animals

14.3. Fungi

14.4. Humans

15. Different cells, different shapes and sizes.

15.1. Cheek cell

15.2. Red blood cell

15.3. Leaf cell

15.4. Animal Cell

15.5. Root cell

16. CTOS

16.1. Cells

16.2. Tissue

16.2.1. Blood

16.2.2. Muscle

16.3. Organs

16.3.1. Stomach

16.3.2. Lungs

16.4. System

16.4.1. Digestive

16.4.2. Muscular

16.4.3. Resiratory

16.4.4. Reproductive

16.4.5. Circulatory

17. Simlarities

17.1. Both have nucleus

17.2. Both have cell membrane

17.3. Both have cytoplasm

18. Differences

18.1. Plant cells have cell wall, animal cells do not (safest answer)