Self-referencing: 變不離道, 亂中有序
by Benny Chin
1. Change Management: 「自其不變者而觀之」. . . .
1.1. 高山滑雪. . . .
1.2. 方程式賽車, 快不是來自體力, 而是. . . .
2. 向自然界學「變更管理」: Leadership and the New Science by Margaret Wheatley
2.1. How things in nature tend to sync up? [TED video 081223
2.2. Wow, how nice....
2.3. Understanding nature's "sync rules" through "self-referential encoding"
3. go to blog post @【智在埋堆】for a full discussion of this presentation
4. 豋峰造極的吊詭
4.1. 問得好: 孔夫子是先有「從心所欲」? 還是先有「不逾矩」?
4.2. 也請問: 齊白石畫蝦的風格, 是自由 ? 還是規範 ?