Networking/Promotion Online
by Robert Granholm

1. thelifedesignproject
1.1. forums
1.1.1. post at ___ with relevant feedback
1.2. delicious
1.2.1. bookmark posts, tag
1.3. stumbleupon
1.3.1. stumble posts, tag
1.4. youtube
1.5. digg
1.5.1. add posts to digg, describe/tag properly
1.6. twitter
1.7. facebook
1.8. blog
2. IT Arsenal
2.1. LinkedIn
2.1.1. update with any new info
2.2. facebook
2.3. twitter
2.4. digg
2.4.1. add finished gigs to digg
2.5. youtube
2.6. stumbleupon
2.6.1. stumble posts/gigs, tag
3. IGen Products
3.1. create accounts
3.1.1. twitter from specialized twitter account, follow and promote similar products. be the messenger not the message
3.1.2. delicious bookmark products, tag properly
3.1.3. forums search related/complimentary product forums, answer someones question, post product info
3.1.4. youtube promote product as outsider
3.1.5. digg digg product, creative description, tag properly
3.1.6. stumbleupon stumble product, tag properly