by Lynne Crowe

1. Nets
1.1. How to make a 3D shape into a net.
1.2. That a net is what you cut out and then fold the sides to make it into a 3D shape.
1.3. How to make a net into a 3D shape.
2. Tessellations
2.1. That triangles, squares and hexagons can tessellate.
2.2. That pentagons, heptagons and octagons can't tessellate.
2.3. That a regular polygon with more than 6 sides can't tessellate.
2.4. That only shapes that add up to 360 degrees when put together can tessellate properly.
3. Triangles
3.1. How to find the angle in a triangle.
3.2. How to accurately construct a triangle using a protractor and a ruler.
4. 3D Shapes
4.1. How to draw a 3D shape.
4.2. How to make a 3D shape into a net.
4.3. How to make a net into a 3D shape.
4.4. Features of a basic 3D shape
4.4.1. That the number of faces + the number of Vertics - 2 = the number of edges.
5. Translations
5.1. How to move a shape from one place to another.
5.1.1. To do this you need to figure out which was it goes horizontal like for example if it went left 2 and down 5 you would put it as '-2,-5'