How To Find Your Big Marketing Idea

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How To Find Your Big Marketing Idea by Mind Map: How To Find Your Big Marketing Idea

1. Well, an idea is nothing more than a new combination of old, common, seemingly disconnected elements.

2. Appendix

2.1. Marketing Funnel Engineering Grid

2.2. “direct” or “indirect

2.3. The more aware your prospect is — higher on the pyramid — the more direct your Big Marketing Idea can be.

2.4. The less aware your prospect is — lower on the pyramid — the less direct your Big Marketing Idea should be.

2.5. When you build your campaigns around a Big Marketing Idea, you have everything you need to create paid ads which get higher clicks and engagement than pure pitch advertisements. So, you have the opportunity to quickly turn your Big Marketing Idea into faster profits from cold traffic.

3. Chapter Five

3.1. How "mature" are your prospects?

3.2. To identify maturity, we use a simple tool called The Promise Exposure Spectrum™, or PES, for short. It’s based on the idea of Marketplace Sophistication first presented by Eugene Schwartz in his perennial book Breakthrough Advertising.

3.3. There are five stages of the PES:

3.3.1. Stage #1: Promise

3.3.2. Stage #2: Promise Expanded

3.3.3. State #3: Promise & Unique Mechanism

3.3.4. Stage #4: Promise + Expanded Mechanism

3.3.5. Stage #5: Prospect Experience

3.4. So this type of immature message simply triggers mental opt-out.

3.4.1. Get Rich on the Internet Another Stage #1 idea and message. Nothing enlarged. And no mechanism. Also, way too immature.

3.4.2. Write Your eBook or Other Short eBook - Fast

3.4.3. Changing “Get Rich On The Internet” to “Get Wealthy In Just Weeks With Your Own Website

3.4.4. Remember, the copy stems from the idea. The idea always comes first. It’s the foundation.

4. Epilogue

4.1. Effective marketing is the life-blood of all business.

5. Chapter Six

5.1. It all begins by first recognizing… Big Marketing Ideas don’t come to you in a flash of inspiration. They’re not based on your creativity… pulled from your psyche. They're not simply going to pop into your head.

5.2. Big Marketing Ideas are discovered and developed.

5.3. “You don't get an idea or a headline. You dig it out of the market research. You wring it out of your product. You read. You listen. You experiment. The creativity is not in you. It's in your market. It's in your prospects. It's in your product. All you're doing is joining the two together.”

5.4. You need lots of ideas. And to get lots of ideas, you need lots of input.

5.5. This is why the idea of a marketer not reading a variety of diverse books and magazines… not watching the news… not watching popular movies or television shows… not reading general information as well as market-specific information… is absurd.

5.6. Remember: The whole process for finding and developing a Big Marketing Idea is all about discovery and assembly. Both come from your volume of input.

5.7. And, as James Webb Young shares in his fantastic little book A Technique For Producing Ideas:

5.8. You need to begin to function as a speculator. Proactively, intentionally looking for relationships between things that rentiers ignore as being disconnected.

5.9. Also, when you're developing your ideas, don’t be afraid to explore ideas that are outrageous, controversial, or polarizing. You can’t be afraid to ruffle feathers. You can't be afraid to say something that’s going to polarize you in the eyes of your market. And you can't be afraid to say something that’s slightly embarrassing. You've got to be willing to go big.

5.10. Attention

5.10.1. of Big Marketing Ideas is to use the "Action Figure" Technique. This is based on an interaction Mark Ford had years ago while flying home from a family vacation. Seated next to him on the plane just so happened to be one of the original creators of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Being the curious fellow he is, Mark leaned over and asked the gentleman how they came up with such a popular idea. “At the time,” the gentleman responded, “mutants, ninjas, and turtles were really popular. And since we were targeting teenagers, we figured, let’s combine all of that into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That’s it.” Pretty funny, right? And interesting, though.

5.11. You’re not trying to craft a headline or any opening copy. You’re simply developing the idea.

6. Chapter Four

6.1. Exemplos e Analysis

7. Tim Ferriss took the ordinary and common idea of outsourcing, and turned it into something new, unique, and different. Into, a Big Marketing Idea — you can work a four hour week, escape the 9-to-5, live anywhere, and join the new rich

8. Preface

8.1. What I was hunting for at the time was the secret to cracking the $100,000.00 a month sales mark

8.2. investing well over 1500 hours… researching and studying the “Big Marketing Idea”.

8.3. I fired dozens of questions at him like: how is a “Big Marketing Idea” discovered, how do you know when you have a “Big Marketing Idea”, how do you turn ordinary marketing ideas into “Big Marketing Ideas”, how do you communicate the “Big Marketing Idea” throughout a marketing campaign, how do you know when you’ve chosen the correct “Big Marketing Idea”, and on and on.

8.4. When I say “Big Marketing Idea”… I’m NOT talking about the typical marketing “hook”, “promise”, “premise”, “theme, or “benefit-driven headline”. Nor am I talking about the “idea” behind your product, your Unique Selling Proposition, your positioning statement, or your string of marketing claims

8.5. And, even Gary himself, when writing (on one rare occasion) about how powerful the “Big Marketing Idea” is… and why it needs to be the foundation of every marketing campaign… said… “It’s so damn valuable!” And Gary is just the beginning

8.6. None is more important than The Big Marketing Idea. Bill is widely recognized as the man who brought The Big Marketing Idea into consumer direct marketing and sold more than a billion dollars’ worth of publications by doing so.”

8.7. One “Big Marketing Idea” For One Marketing Campaign Can Change Your Business (and Life) Forever!

8.8. See: A Big Marketing Idea is a way of crafting a marketing message which your prospects see as new, unique, and different. As something fresh and timely. As something exciting and beneficial. As something they want to engage with because it promises to open their eyes to something they haven't been exposed to before. 16

8.9. Because, when you learn and use the formula I discovered for developing Big Marketing Ideas… you’ll possess the knowledge and ability to crank-out marketing campaigns that bring more leads, more new customers, and more sales than you can imagine.

9. Introduction

9.1. “How has Agora been able to grow so big and so fast?”

9.2. “We recognized early on, when it comes to marketing, we’re really in the idea business. We're in the business of developing interesting, arresting, and captivating ideas.”

9.3. Big Marketing Idea that strikes your prospects as new, unique, and different. As something they find startling, arresting, and compelling. Something they have to stop and hear more about

9.4. Now, please understand: In this context, I’m not talking about the idea behind your product or service. I’m not talking about you coming-up with the latest and greatest idea for some new app, new technology, or new biotech breakthrough. No. I’m talking about the idea behind your marketing message. The idea behind what you’re saying in your ad, your headline, and your campaign.

9.5. See: the quality of the marketing idea determines the success of the marketing campaign — and ultimately how well it converts prospects into buyers

9.6. A headline is simply an expression of the underlying marketing idea. Every headline, just like every book title, is there to communicate an idea. And every marketing idea can be presented a number of different ways with a number of a different words

9.7. Changing “How To Grow Big Tomatoes” to “How To Grow Monster-Sized, Juicy, Red Tomatoes” doesn’t make the idea behind the headline better. It may make the copy behind the headline better. But the idea behind the headline is still the same.

9.8. The difference is not in the content. The difference is not in the essence of the material. The difference is in the idea behind how the content is being presented

10. Chapter One

10.1. Every day people are bombarded with thousands of marketing campaigns, marketing messages, advertisements, benefit statements, claims, and promises. Online, television, radio, billboards, direct mail, email, magazines, flyers, you name it. Many filled to the brim with hype.

10.2. Your prospects are not interested in what’s old or in more of the same. They’re interested in what’s new. Your prospects don't even want old techniques or methods even if they know those techniques and methods work

10.3. And when your prospects are exposed to something that they've seen and heard, they tune out. They ignore it. They experience Mental Opt-Out.

10.4. Mental Opt-Out is when your prospects see a marketing claim and say, "Oh, that. I've heard that. I've seen that. Oh, there's a book on that. There's a YouTube video on that." And then they immediately bounce from your website to go elsewhere.

10.5. The Categorical Imperative is a principle which demonstrates that individuals subconsciously look for ways to immediately categorize information

10.6. A Big Marketing Idea overcomes that Categorical Imperative because it serves as a pattern interrupt. It’s not what prospects expect or anticipate. So it doesn’t get categorized. Which means, it doesn’t trigger the same feelings of skepticism or reluctance. It doesn’t trigger the same sales filter. So it gives your marketing message the opportunity to do its job.

10.7. why a Big Marketing Idea is so critical today with one word: differentiation.

10.8. different message, a different angle, a different idea.

11. Chapter Two

11.1. 10 Elements Of A Big Marketing Idea

11.1.1. Criteria #1: Presents One Promise true and believable promise of transformation. One promise. I'm not talking about the little benefits of your product. I'm talking about the big result... the big outcome... the big transformation your prospect stands to gain. the main question on the mind of every prospect. They want to know how their life will be improved and changed for the better from your message. 30

11.1.2. Criteria #2: It's Specific Specific enough for your prospect to envision it in their mind's eye. Vague promises are not believable. They're not compelling. They're not exciting. Specific promises and outcomes are.

11.1.3. Criteria #3: Conveys One Story So keep it to one story. One plot.

11.1.4. Criteria #4: Leads To One Conclusion Don't try to get your prospect thinking about two or three different things with your idea. Just one. That's it.

11.1.5. Criteria #5: Taps One Emotion Every Big Marketing Idea stimulates one primary emotion. It may be greed. It may be fear. It may be envy. It may be belonging. Or, some other emotion.

11.1.6. Criteria #6: Must Be New & Unique Every Big Marketing Idea is original, unique. It's different from what your prospects have seen before. So, your idea can't be something your prospects are already familiar with. your Big Marketing Idea, is to bring something new, unique, and different to your market. And, again, in this context I'm not talking about a new, unique, and different product. I'm talking about a new, unique, and different idea behind your marketing campaign.

11.1.7. Criteria #7: Must Feel Timely It must be about the here and now

11.1.8. Criteria #8: Arresting That means it needs to shock prospects out of their complacency. It needs to wake them up from the funk of everyday life.

11.1.9. Criteria #9: Immediately Understandable It can't be complicated, deep, or require lots of thought. If prospects have to read or watch your full marketing message to understand your idea, you've missed the mark. Remember: Immediately Understandable Simplicity also encourages belief. The human brain is hardwired to trust simple things. The easier something is to explain, and the easier it is to understand, the more belief it generates. On the flip side, complex, intricate ideas cause confusion. And a confused mind doesn't remain engaged. And a prospect who doesn't remain engaged doesn't buy So keep your ideas simple. Put yourself in your prospect's shoes. And make sure your ideas are not beyond their level of understanding

11.1.10. Criteria #10: The Rule Of One Big Marketing Ideas are made up of one single powerful idea. Not a mix of ideas. Not a bunch of ideas. One single idea.

12. Chapter Three

12.1. I analyzed and dissected over 92 million-dollar-plus marketing campaigns

12.2. Big Marketing Idea Formula™. Here it is:

12.2.1. E.C. (P.P. + U.M.) + I.I. = Big Marketing Idea Emotionally Compelling (Primary Promise + Unique Mechanism) + Intellectually Interesting = Big Marketing Idea

12.2.2. E.C. stands for emotionally compelling Primary Promise (P.P.), and when that promise is delivered by a Unique Mechanism (U.M.).

12.2.3. I.I. stands for intellectually interesting. Your idea is intellectually interesting (I.I.) when it piques your prospect's curiosity, gives them a feeling of discovery, and makes them feel as if they’ve just stumbled on something newsworthy. Primary Promise (P.P.) or Unique Mechanism (U.M.).

12.2.4. The Primary Promise (P.P.) The Primary Promise is one of the most important elements within any marketing campaign. Because it tells prospects what they stand to gain by engaging with your marketing message. It tells them how their life will be transformed for the better by reading, watching, or listening to your marketing message Remember, the main thing your prospects want to know is “How is my life going to be made better by this?” Your Primary Promise is what answers that question. But it’s important you understand: The Primary Promise is not the same as your list of product or service benefits. We’re not talking about all of the little benefits prospects can expect to experience with your product. We’re talking about the one, big overarching promise of change… of transformation… of result… of outcome… your prospect can expect to experience by responding to your marketing message. To be effective, your Primary Promise needs to be big, bold, and audacious. It needs to be exciting. Exciting enough for your prospects to want to dive deeper and learn more. To make your Primary Promise believable, first, it needs to be specific and concrete. “You’ll feel better” is an example of a vague and general promise. Same with “You’ll make more money”, “You’ll be happier”, “You’ll lose weight”, and so on. These are all weak promises. Because they’re so vague and general it’s nearly impossible to envision them in your mind’s eye. “You’ll wake up every morning without an alarm clock, never groggy” is an example of a much more specific promise. Same with “You’ll make an extra $5,500 a month”, and “You’ll lose a minimum of 3 pounds every four days”. The specificity makes these promises much stronger. Second, to make your Primary Promise believable it needs to be backed-up by proof. You can’t simply expect your prospects to believe you can deliver on the promise simply because you say so. You can't present a promise that has no proof because that’s not a promise at all. It’s simply an unsubstantiated claim. You need to have evidence and proof to make your Primary Promise believable. If you say they will experience X, you need to have proof they can experience X. A Persona é brigado com o filho mais velho. Ofertar a Constelação Familiar faz sentido. Ter o Depoimento das Pessoas que viveram e de como foram transformadas, fala diretamente ao prospect. Acho q a questão difícil é q a Constelação fala mais com mulheres. 51% da população de Diadema são mulherers So your objective is to determine the biggest, boldest, most audacious thing you can promise to prospects which is true and believable because it’s specific and backed by proof. Perdoe seu pai e viva bem com seu filho. Foi seu pai que fez seu filho ir embora. O avô que expulsou o filho da casa do pai. Você não é seu pai para mandar seu filho embora. Seu sogro não pode mais mandar seu filho embora. Foi seu sogro que espulsou seu filho de casa. It can't be little. It can't be weak. It can't be fragile. It's got to be big, bold, audacious, true and believable. "This is exactly what I've been waiting for. This changes everything." To begin thinking about your Primary Promise, start by answering this question: As it relates to the problem your product or service addresses, what’s the most exciting, most compelling thing your prospects are craving… lusting after… that they would love to experience? If you had a future client who became your greatest success story, what result did they experience? What was the outcome? What was the transformation? What changed for them? What happened for them? What painful or frustrating thing aren't they experiencing anymore that they were experiencing before? What positive things are they now experiencing that they're grateful for?

12.2.5. The Unique Mechanism The Unique Mechanism is the unique piece, part, component, aspect, process, or system behind your product or service which delivers the Primary Promise for prospects. It’s the thing within your product or service that gives your prospect the result. It's the reason why your product or service works. It could be the unique algorithm behind your SEO software that gets users top Google rankings. The unique combination of nutrients in your vitamin supplement that lowers cholesterol by 30 points. The unique bodywork method you use in your massage practice which eliminates your client’s pain within 20 minutes. The unique recipe you use when baking your birthday cakes that makes them so delicious. Again, the Unique Mechanism is the unique part of your product or service which is responsible for fulfilling your Primary Promise a magnesium supplement Criar Copys vendendo os suplementos. Enviar para 1 o email da Farma e se apresentando como Copywriter. Let's suppose, for example, you're marketing and selling a fat burning supplement. And in your marketing you tell prospects the reason why your fat burner works is because it contains the amino acid L-Carnitine. Well, you've now just presented a commodity - L-Carnitine. It's something they can find anywhere. At a health food store, VitaminShoppe, or right on Amazon. Now… because you’re presented a commodity… there's nothing special about your supplement. Nothing unique. Nothing different. With a Unique Mechanism behind your Primary Promise (PP), you're presenting a proprietary solution, because you're the only one offering it. Prospects can't get it anywhere else. They can't find it anywhere else even if they do a search on Google. You're the only product, the only software, the only program, the only vendor of the Unique Mechanism™ you're presenting. That's why it's proprietary. And that's why you’re product is not viewed as some commodity or generic solution. Now, there are three different types of Unique Mechanisms any product or service can have. As long as you’re not selling a pure commodity, like a gallon of gasoline, you can use one of these three types. The first type of Unique Mechanism is The Actual Mechanism. The second type of Unique Mechanism is The Unspoken Mechanism. The third type of Unique Mechanism is The Transubstantiated Mechanism.

12.2.6. Intellectually Interesting (I.I.). Intellectually Interesting, in this context, means the idea is something your prospect would want to hear more about even if there was no explicit promise of benefit. Something which piques your prospect’s curiosity.