Workshop Reflection

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Workshop Reflection by Mind Map: Workshop Reflection

1. Keep

1.1. I loved the ice-breaker-activities at the beginning of the workshops.

1.2. The cadence/interval of the workshop-days was good. Time to get ideas/think about the ideas inbetween the workshop days.

1.3. Structure was great. It allowed us to think independently, engage with ideas + then naturally come to an initiative brainstorm

1.4. I feel like there was actually enough time to talk about ideas and get everyone's opinion. While the agenda on the first day might have been ambitious, the execution and time management was really, really good. Meaning that it did not felt rushed or talked to death.

1.5. I thought it was a great goal for the workshop to have the list of ideas at the end. And to move the actual decision-making and planning asynchronously.

2. Improve

2.1. Transparency re: additional team members attendance

2.2. I think we have a chicken-egg problem with our objectives-KPI. We look at the KPI first and then determine what could drive it. (Alternatively, we could also choose initiatives, and then decide what KPI would best measure the outcome.) That excluded a lot of possible different initiatives, for which we don't have a suitable KPI. But that's a "Meister" problem in general, not one that is isolated to our team. **My suggestion would be to look at "What outcomes do we want have"** , and then see what initiatives we need to get there and how we can measure is clearly.

2.3. If we do this quarterly, then we need to find a "process" how to get the planning done more quickly for the future. If we do it half-yearly then it sounds good to me. For the first roadmap workshop it was really good taking time here.

3. Start

3.1. **Adding a 3rd session:** resource management and deep-dive into impacts

3.2. Include safe-space sesh for our team (Andrew, Miša, Cornelia)

4. Stop