Affiliate Creation n Links

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Affiliate Creation n Links by Mind Map: Affiliate Creation n Links

1. Go to Affiliate Home Page

1.1. Click SIGNUP at bottom middle

1.1.1. Fill out the form & Submit (The only items required are: Username & Passwords the top 3 fields. However, approval is required for all affiliates The more you provide, the better your chances of approval. PayPal is required in most cases to get paid.) Wait for email and/or call Notifying you that you are an approved Affilate.

1.1.2. If you want a bulk affiliate account, Type Yes in the field box at the bottom of the Application, requesting that.

2. In the email we send you notice you are an approved Affiliate, we will send your product Link/s along with instructions to get them yourself as you wish.

2.1. Go to Affiliate Home Page

2.1.1. Login using Username & Password above All Products link is shown in on the top left - Standard Linking Code - Great For Use In Emails! Other Text Email Links Available Select Link

3. If Approved Bulk Affiliate, We will send links in notification along with instructions on how to get other bulk links. Here is how:

3.1. Go to Affiliate Home Page

3.1.1. Login using Bulk Username & Password we provide you, not the Retail one you requested earlier. Do No use the Standard Linking Code for bulk sales! USE TEXT/EMAIL LINKS Other Text or Email Links that are available Select Link