Grade 7, Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological...

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Grade 7, Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity. by Mind Map: Grade 7, Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.

1. 5.4: Evaluate the effect of expressing encouragement to others while participating in a group physical activity.

1.1. Students help and encourage fellow classmates.

1.1.1. Encourage.

1.1.2. Positive reinforcement.

1.1.3. Excitement.

1.1.4. Caring.

2. 5.5: Identify the responsibilities of a leader in physical activity.

2.1. Students can identify what a leader should hold him/herself responsibly for.

2.1.1. Responsible.

2.1.2. Positive.

2.1.3. Encouraging.

2.1.4. Accountable.

3. 5.1: Identify appropriate and inappropriate risks involved in adventure, individual, and dual physical activities.

3.1. Students engage in an online, interactive, instructional guide of safety tips for different types of physical activity.

3.1.1. Identify appropriate risks.

3.1.2. Identify inappropriate risks.

4. 5.2: Accept responsibility for individual improvement.

4.1. Students demonstrate responsible behavior and do not blame or call out other students.

4.1.1. Mature behavior.

4.1.2. Excitement for improvement.

5. 5.3: Demonstrate an acceptance of differences in physical development and personal preferences as they affect participation in physical activity.

5.1. Students participate with and help those at different stages of physical development.

5.1.1. Positive attitude.

5.1.2. Encouraging.

5.1.3. Engaging.

5.1.4. Caring.