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Guidlines by Mind Map: Guidlines

1. Define Your Purpose

1.1. I defined that my blog would be a technology ideas blog

2. Mix it up

2.1. I included a variety of technology topics that got the reader thinking

3. Mix it up!

3.1. I mixed up the different kinds of technology topics in my blog

4. Dont Overthink

4.1. I kept it simple and didn't put complicated posts in

5. Design is important

5.1. Since I was trying to keep my blog simple, I kept my design simple

6. Learn how to write killer headlines

6.1. I wrote headlines that were attention getters

7. Create Momentum

7.1. I created a series of posts that built on one another

8. Write the way you speak

8.1. I wrote as if I were talking about tech topics to someone

9. Size Matters

9.1. I kept the blog in a small format and simple that would be attractive to users on the go