Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Jocelyn Tracy Sharmila Sue

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Computer Supported Collaborative Learning por Mind Map: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

1. What is CSCL

1.1. Collaboartive Learning

1.2. Problem-solving Learning Tasks

1.3. Enhanced learning environment by computer (technology)

1.4. Social reproduction

1.5. Constructivism Instructional Design Model

1.6. Meta-communication, meta-cognition and task re-conceptualisation

2. Strengths

2.1. Participative style

2.2. Vertical content sharing

2.3. Promote teamwork

2.4. Scaffolding

3. Weaknesses

3.1. Difficult to track learning progress

3.2. Lack of in-person interaction, the campus experience

3.3. Set context

3.4. Too easy to cheat

3.5. What measure??

3.6. How to give feedback?

4. Examples

4.1. Edmodo

4.2. Google Hangout (Google Drive)

4.3. Mind- mapping tools

4.4. Visual Learning Boards

4.4.1. Learnist

4.4.2. EdCanvas

4.5. Infographic Tools

4.5.1. Piktochart


4.6. GroupZap

4.7. Adobe Connect

4.8. Social Presentation Tools

4.8.1. Prezi

4.8.2. Slideshare

4.8.3. SlideRocket

4.9. Video and Animations Tools

4.9.1. Go!Animate

4.9.2. xtranorma

4.9.3. Animoto

4.9.4. iMovie

4.10. Blogging Tools

4.10.1. Wordpress

4.10.2. Blogger

4.11. MOOCs