Using Benefits to Make Emotional Investments in Learning: An Examination of Perna's "If the Want...

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Using Benefits to Make Emotional Investments in Learning: An Examination of Perna's "If the Want is Strong, the How will Come." by Mind Map: Using Benefits to Make Emotional Investments in Learning: An Examination of  Perna's "If the Want is Strong, the How will Come."

1. Five Step Process: Step 1: Start fresh. Step 2: Investigate. Step 3: Evaluate. Step 4: Test. Step 5: Implement.

1.1. Goals

1.1.1. Goal 1

1.1.2. Goal 2

1.2. Rules

1.2.1. Session Rule 1

1.2.2. Session Rule 2

1.3. Define Problems

1.4. Capture Ideas

1.5. Prioritize Ideas

1.6. Define Action Points

2. What's in it for me? Why should anyone bother to do anything? "What will my effort get me?"

2.1. Why should anyone bother to do anything?

2.2. "What will my effort get me?"

3. Feature vs. Benefit: A feature is something provided. A benefit is the value derived from the feature

3.1. Feature: something being provided

3.2. Benefit: value derived from the feature

3.3. Idea 3

3.4. Idea 4

4. Know your audience. Make sure you are marketing to your audience so as to maximize receptivity.

4.1. High Priority

4.2. Medium Priority

4.3. Low Priority

5. Emotions 1st - Logic 2nd: People rationalize their choices after they make emotionally charged decisions.