My Sophomore Portfolio

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My Sophomore Portfolio by Mind Map: My Sophomore Portfolio

1. SWLO's

1.1. Reflection

1.2. Artifact

2. Deviance Does?

2.1. Reflection

2.2. Artifact

3. Norms: What's Their Function

3.1. Artifact

3.2. Reflection

4. Project 3 & 4: Culture & You / Who Am I?

4.1. Reflection

4.2. Artifact

5. Everyone's a Critic

5.1. Reflection

5.2. Artifact

6. Never Forget

6.1. Reflection

6.2. Artifact

7. The New Tech Way of Life

7.1. Reflection

7.2. Artifact

8. Personal Page

8.1. Reflection

9. Wix Page

9.1. Portfolio(:

10. Reader & Writer

10.1. Holocaust Essay

10.2. Reflection

10.2.1. Artifact