Learning Theories

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Learning Theories por Mind Map: Learning Theories

1. Basic Principles

2. Behaviourism

3. Conditioning

4. Pavlov, Skinner

5. "practice makes perfect", repetition

6. Punishment/reward

7. Implications for education

8. Most important teaching model is repetition

9. Lecturing

10. Constructivism

11. Basic Principles

12. Mind is a network

13. Learning through interaction with environment.

14. Implications for education

15. Teacher as facilitator

16. Learning of basic skills through more complex scenarios.

17. Basic Principles

18. Less of a need to "know", but a need to have access to knowledge sources.

19. Knowledge exists over networks, not in the mind of one person.

20. Technological Content Knowledge

21. Use of technology to enhance exploration of content but minimal learning theory present

22. Philosophy of Technology

23. Alignment

24. Accessibility

25. Assessment

26. Reinforcement

27. Technology should be used for a specific purpose

28. Will my students have access to the types of technology used?

29. Be clear about how technology use will be graded

30. Technology should be used as reinforcement, not reiteration

31. Cognitivism

32. Basic Principles

33. Memory as organized processor of information.

34. Metaphor of scaffolding: new knowledge building on prior knowledge.

35. mnemonic devices and meaningful effect.

36. Cognitive Load

37. Memory can be over- or under-loaded.

38. Implications for Education

39. Conditioning is not enough: connections must be made which are deeper than simple repetition. Meaning is important.

40. Skill level of the learner must be considered.

41. Connectivism

42. Implications for Education

43. Heavy reliance on technology for learning-- access to internet in order to access knowledge.

44. Need for teachers? As anything more than resources to access online resources?


46. Content Knowledge (CK)

47. Pedagogy Knowledge

48. Technology Knowledge

49. Pedagogical Content Knowledge

50. Good content and application of learning theory but dated technology use

51. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge

52. Engagement in the classroom using technology but activities stray away from essential learning

53. Focus on essential learnings, applying good learning theory, and is supported by technology use