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Magnets by Mind Map: Magnets

1. Examples of Non-Magnetic materials:Aluminium,Copper

1.1. Non-Magnetic materials cannot be turned into a magnet.

2. There is only two poles in a magnet.

2.1. North

2.1.1. South

3. Magnets have a strength called as magnetism

3.1. Like poles repel

3.1.1. Unlike poles attract

4. Magnetism in a magnet weakens by some causes

4.1. Heated over a flame

4.1.1. Hammered Dropped

5. We can make magnets using magnetic materials

5.1. To make a magnet we have to stroke a magnetic material using a bar magnet more than 20 times.

5.1.1. To make an electromagnet we have to coil a magnetic material and connect the coil to the batteries. To strengthen the electromagnet we can add more batteries or coil it around a lot of times.

6. There is two types of materials in the lesson of magnets.

6.1. Magnetic materials

6.1.1. Non-Magnetic materials

7. Magnetic materials attract magnets

7.1. Examples of magnetic materials:Iron,Steel

8. Non-Magnetic materials do not attract to magnets.