Ken Robinson talks about the need to reform education. Do you agree with his views? Refer to the ...

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Ken Robinson talks about the need to reform education. Do you agree with his views? Refer to the speaker's arguments as well as your own experiences with the education system in your country. by Mind Map: Ken Robinson talks about the need to reform education. Do you agree with his views? Refer to the speaker's arguments as well as your own experiences with the education system in your country.

1. Idea of Linearity

1.1. A standard track exists for everyone

1.1.1. Aiming to get everyone into college by the same age

1.1.2. Not everyone has to go, not everyone now

1.1.3. A reason behind why so many people's talents are left undeveloped

1.2. Life is organic

1.2.1. Create and explore own talents based on the circumstances they create

1.2.2. Human communities based on a diversity of talent, not just one idea of ability Agree Not everyone might be suitable for this standardised track Need to reform education to make it customised to developing an individual's talents

2. Taking Certain Things for Granted

2.1. Take many things for granted, that they are the only way that things can be done

2.2. Enthralled with such ideas and think they cannot be chaged

2.2.1. Most of our ideas are formulated to cope with the circumstances of the previous centuries and not those of the present

2.2.2. Innovating fundamentally in education is important in order to challenge what we usually take for granted Introduce a new look towards the educational model Disagree Singapore's education system takes several things for granted, but it has been revolutionised to cope with the needs of the 21st century

3. Human Resources

3.1. Often dislocated and misused

3.1.1. Main reason is education

3.1.2. Need to reform

3.1.3. Appear only when circumstances are correct Change the education system into that of an agricultural model Creating the circumstances where natural talents can flourish