Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing by Mind Map: Cloud Computing

1. Google Apps

1.1. Gmail

1.2. iGoogle

1.2.1. RSS Reader

1.3. Google Site

1.4. Google Docs

1.5. Google Reader

2. Web Browsers

2.1. Mozilla Firefox

2.1.1. Add-Ons Cooliris

2.1.2. Screen Capture Jing

2.2. Internet Explorer

3. Wikis

3.1. Wikipedia

3.2. Blackboard

3.3. Collaborative webpage

3.4. DokuWiki

3.5. Wikispaces

3.5.1. ECT group

3.5.2. Threaded Discussion

3.6. Peer Editing

4. Diigo

4.1. Highlighter

4.2. Sticky Notes


4.4. Toolbar

4.5. Tags and Annotations

5. Text Based 2.0 Tools

5.1. EtherPad

5.2. Wordle

5.3. Google Docs

5.4. Textflow