Analysis & Problem Definition: Methodological Cycle # 1

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Analysis & Problem Definition: Methodological Cycle # 1 by Mind Map: Analysis & Problem Definition: Methodological Cycle # 1

1. CATWOE Root Definition: eg

2. C: students, academic staff, admin and IT staff, consultants/modellers, ?? potential students,

3. A: students, academic staff who are active users of web technology, academic staff who do not use web technology, admin and IT staff

4. T: the challenges in implementation of Web 2.0 tools and technologies in courses at university: Embracing change in 21st Century: creation of university wide policy; the university that is aware but unprepared for the use of web technology in teaching and learning is transformed into an organisation that is aware and embraces the changes brought by the use of web technology in its courses.

5. W: the (enhanced, prepared, aware) supported use of web technologies in university courses can enhance an university's (position, legal table standing among peer institutions, student employers... )

6. O: university governance, ICT directors, deans of schools/faculties,

7. E: ICT infrastructure (budget/planning/resources), academy regulations, teaching and learning policy, what does this system take as given:

8. Root definition: a system to manage/create/transform/implement knowledge of the challenges face by universities whose courses use web technologies in their courses by Y in order to achieve Z; transforming policies and thinking about ways to use technologies

9. also some academic staff are using tools of their choice in their courses, this has not been considered and planned for.

9.1. blogs

9.2. mind maps

9.3. wiki

9.4. new learning technologies

9.4.1. used for learning OR designed learning

9.5. twitter

10. The university is aware that a few other universities have already rolled out Web tools and technologies for students (wikis, blogs, Youtube, podcasting, etc) and it is playing a catch up game. After several meetings and tonnes of papers, the Board has decided that it needs to engage with the use of Web technologies in university courses. However, the university is mindful of pedgagogical implications of technological change, legal obligations to staff and students, and managing expectations of staff and students. The university wants to take a planned and considered approach in this change management.

11. students

11.1. valuing change want to adopt technology

11.2. appropriate use of technology - comparable to face-to-face

11.3. future of learning?

12. copyright, legal issues, etc

13. pedagogical concerns

13.1. pedagogy before the technology

13.2. strategic planning

14. expectations of staff and students

15. drivers for change

15.1. ICT infrastructure?

15.2. Innovation

15.3. Competition for students

15.4. learning and changing organisation

16. resistance to change

16.1. research profile

16.2. technologies a passing fad

16.3. good teaching does not require technology

17. Funding and Resources