Product Design

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Product Design by Mind Map: Product Design

1. Manufacturing Systems

1.1. One Off

1.2. Batch

1.3. High Volume

1.4. Modular/Cell

1.5. Just in Time

1.6. Bought in parts/components

1.7. Standardized Parts

2. Manufacturing Processes

2.1. Injection Moulding

2.2. Rotational Moulding

2.3. Blow Moulding

2.4. Compression Moulding

2.5. Vacuum Forming

2.6. Extrusion Moulding

3. Digital Technology in Design

3.1. CAD/CAM

3.2. Testing, Modelling and rapid prototyping

3.3. Stock Control

4. Design Rights

4.1. Copyright

4.2. Patents

4.3. Intellectual Property

5. Quality

5.1. Quality Control

5.2. Quality Assurance

6. Smart Materials

7. Plastics

7.1. Thermo

7.1.1. Urea Formaldehyde

7.1.2. Melamine Formaldehyde

7.2. Thermosetting

7.2.1. Polypropolene

7.2.2. Acrylic

7.2.3. PVC

8. Metals

8.1. Ferrous

8.1.1. Mild Steel

8.2. NonFerrous

8.2.1. Aluminium

9. Woods

9.1. Hardwood

9.1.1. Oak

9.2. Softwood

9.2.1. Pine

10. Legistlations

10.1. trade description and sale of goods

10.2. BSI/CE

10.3. Labelling

10.4. Health and Safety

11. Properties of Materials

11.1. Strength

11.2. Elasticity

11.3. Plasticity

11.4. Ductility

11.5. Tensile Strength

11.6. Malleability

11.7. Toughness

11.8. Hardness

11.9. Conductivity