Springdale Primary School Website Map
by Dewi Juliana Mdm

1. About Us
1.1. School Leaders' Message & Profile
1.2. Background
1.3. School Crest
1.4. Vision, Mission, Values, Guiding Principle and Education Philosophy
1.5. School Song
1.6. School Curriculum Time & Recess
1.6.1. Canteen Food Menu (Health Promoting School Canteen Programme) Stall 1 – Drinks and Snacks Menu Stall 3 – Sedap Rasa Menu Stall 5 - Chinese Cuisine Menu
1.7. School Rules and Regulations
1.8. School Assessment
1.9. Floor Plans
1.10. Facilities & Uniform
1.11. Brochures
1.12. School Calendar
2. Parents
2.1. FAQ
2.2. School Events
2.3. Letters to Parents
2.4. P1 Registration
2.5. P1 School Presentations
2.6. Resources
2.7. Travel Declaration
2.8. Programmes for the Family
2.9. Parents Support Group
2.10. Dad's For Life Programmes
3. Staff
3.1. School Advisory Committee
3.2. School Management Committee
3.3. Teaching Staff
3.4. Executive and Administrative Staff
3.5. Support Staff
4. Programmes
4.1. English Language Department
4.2. Mathematics Department
4.3. Science Department
4.4. Chinese Language Department
4.5. Malay Language Department
4.6. Pupil Management Department
4.7. Physical & Health Education Department
4.8. Art & Music Department
4.9. Info-Comm Technology Department
4.10. Special Programmes
5. CCA
5.1. P1 Enrichment 2013
5.2. Sports
5.3. Uniform Group
5.4. Aesthetics
6. Gallery
6.1. School Achievements
6.2. Pupil Achievements
6.3. Staff Achievements
6.4. Photographs
6.4.1. Archieved photographs