CEU Website Universe (hosted by Web Team)

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CEU Website Universe (hosted by Web Team) by Mind Map: CEU Website Universe (hosted by Web Team)

1. Main domain

2. Other Academic Programs & Initiatives

2.1. Jewish Studies

2.2. OLIve

2.3. Visual Studies Platform

2.4. Summer University


2.6. Romani Studies Program

2.7. Cultural Heritage Studies Program

3. Administrative & Academic Support

3.1. Career Services Office

3.2. Alumni Office

3.3. Academic Cooperation and Research Support Office

3.4. Center for Academic Writing

3.5. Environmental Systems Laboratory

3.6. Development Office (Giving)

3.7. Student Engagement

4. Research Centers

4.1. Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies

4.2. Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine

4.3. Center for Media, Data and Society

4.4. Center for Religious Studies

4.5. CEU Democracy Institute

4.6. Center for Policy Studies (legacy website)

4.7. Center for European Neighborhood Studies

4.8. Institute for Advanced Study

4.9. Pasts Inc., Center for Historical Studies

4.10. Shattuck Center on Conflict, Negotiation and Recovery

4.11. The Yehuda Elkana Center for Teaching, Learning, and Higher Education Research

5. Other Various

5.1. CareerNext

5.2. Publications Repository (discontinued)

5.3. Residence Center

5.4. Raoul Wallenberg Guesthouse

5.5. CEU Payment Gateway

5.6. CEU Dormitory Payment Gateway

5.7. Podcasts Website

5.8. CEU Press

5.9. Annual Report

5.10. Event space rentals

6. "Hubs"

6.1. People hub

6.2. Course hub

6.3. Document hub

6.4. Events hub

7. Core Academic Departments

7.1. Department of Cognitive Science

7.1.1. Social Mind Center

7.1.2. Causal Cognition Lab

7.1.3. Cognitive Development Center

7.1.4. Center for Cognitive Computation

7.1.5. Language Comprehension Lab

7.1.6. SOMBY

7.1.7. ACES

7.2. Department of Economics and Business

7.3. Doctoral School in Economics

7.4. Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy

7.5. Department of Gender Studies

7.6. Department of International Relations

7.7. Department of Legal Studies

7.8. Department of Mathematics and its Applications

7.9. Department of Historical Studies

7.10. Department of Medieval Studies (discontinued)

7.11. Nationalism Studies Program

7.12. Doctoral School of History

7.13. Department of Network and Data Science

7.14. Department of Philosophy

7.15. Department of Political Science

7.16. Department of Public Policy

7.17. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

7.18. Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations

7.19. Undergraduate Studies

8. SITS (Application Portal, not hosted by Web Team)