Educational Technology is...

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Educational Technology is... by Mind Map: Educational Technology is...

1. It's interesting you say this. I agree the world is becoming so much more connected we can stay in touch with anyone because of all the technology. I worry it is affecting our social skills in a negative way though. People struggle to hold real conversations, they can't go to dinner without checking their phones. I like a good old fashion face to face conversation. Don't get me wrong I think all the social media and staying connected is wonderful I just hope we still talk to each other in a few years! ~Amelia Young~

1.1. I totally agree with this statement. Kids are forgetting how to talk to each other. They would rather just send it in a text than have a real conversation. We need to teach them to talk about their thinking when using technology. -Melissa Mattox

1.2. In many cases, communication has become impersonal. We are losing polite social skills, not to mention the concern for proper spelling and grammar. - Brenda Honeycutt

2. Making the World smaller-Emma Diskin

2.1. Twitter-Emma Diskin

2.2. Skype-Emma Diskin

2.3. Facebook-Emma Diskin

2.4. Student to student "pen pals" from around the world! - Nancy Reece

3. Using technology to benefit the educational environment - Tracy Homan

3.1. Used in teaching and learning - Tracy Homan

3.1.1. There are so many different ways to use technology in teaching and learning. Some examples are SMART boards, internet sites, interactive programs or even just displaying something from your computer onto the white board. Any time you use technology it will help them stay engaged and excited to learn. - Carrie Carpenter

3.2. Technology is a tool - Tracy Homan

3.2.1. We have to make sure that students and teachers use the tools wisely, rather than simply using technology for the sake of using technology. - Jennifer Svajda

3.3. Technology that not only benefits student learning but also benefits the teaching. -Emily Mihelic

4. Necessary in the world we teach in today. -Emily Mihelic

4.1. Textbooks often have out-of-date material that isn't relevant to the students anymore. - Stephanie Brewster

4.1.1. Our district also sees it as a way to decrease our paper trail and reduce major use of paper. Students can literally do all sorts of work that was once done on paper. - Audra Reed Book Creator for Reading Notebooks - Audra Reed EduCreations for Taking Notes - Audra Reed MarkUp for sending in papers electronically so teachers can annotate and send the grade back without having to print any work. - Audra Reed

4.2. Students need to know how to utilize technology to solve problems. --Terri T

4.3. Today's companies and industries all require some knowledge of how to use technology before they hire someone. Our students need to have that knowledge before leaving our hands. -Jelinda Smith

4.3.1. You are very right! If they don't learn about the technology that is happening now, what is going to happen to them when they are in the 'real world'. Technology just keeps growing and if you are not willing to learn about it (no matter what your age is) then you are just going to be left in the dust!- Carrie Carpenter That is precisely the reason I enrolled to get my masters in educational technology. I don't want to be left in the dust. I need to get with it! It's only going to get more in depth and involved. It is crucial to be up to date in technology and all the latest devices if we really want to be great educators and have our students be great in the future! I already feel like my students know more than I do about some of the programs out there. I can certainly learn from them, but also want to teach them a thing or two myself!! ~Amelia Young~ They are not afraid to try something new. Technology is a way of life for them. And it is changing and expanding so quickly! - Brenda Honeycutt

4.4. There is less emphasis on gaining knowledge and more on how to retrieve information. -- Lewis Goins

4.4.1. Right and that is important too. Knowing how to retrieve information, think about it critically, analyze it and then learn from it. KHett

4.5. Students are going to use new technology, whether we want them to or not, because it is necessary in the real world. So why not learn with them and engage them by using it too. At least in the classroom, it can be used for good. --Kylie Booth

4.5.1. Yes! We must also be diligent in teaching them to recognize the "bad" so they don't get sucked into inappropriate or dangerous situations! - Nancy Reece

5. A device that we can use in the classroom to connect to our students. Leah Lawrence

5.1. Edmodo Leah Lawrence

5.2. Class Blog Leah Lawrence

5.3. Google Voice --Terri T

5.4. Twiducate - Jennifer Svajda

5.5. Today's Meet - Jennifer Svajda

5.6. Or connect school and home. - Brenda Honeycutt

6. A more current way to teach our students. - Stephanie Brewster

6.1. Most students already have smartphones in the classroom. Why not have them use them for educational purposes? -Jelinda Smith

6.1.1. It really is amazing how engaged they are when we use any kind of technology!- Carrie Carpenter

7. Utilizing innovative resources to teach our students in ways that would otherwise be next to impossible. - Brian Crigger

7.1. Critical Thinking - Brian Crigger

7.2. Problem Solving - Brian Crigger

7.3. Cooperative Learning - Brian Crigger

7.4. Focus should always be on the learning experience of the student and not the technology itself. - Brian Crigger

7.5. Using these resources in an authentic way. Otherwise they become expensive paper and pencil. -Karie McIntosh

8. Increasing Motivation --Terri Tullis

8.1. Use to capture attention--Terri T

8.2. Link to problems related to students--Terri T

9. potentially a distraction from learning. -- Lewis Goins

9.1. Unless is it harnessed to meaningful content in a purposeful manner -- Lewis Goins

9.1.1. ... and used judiciously to avoid boredom or sensory overload. - Nancy Reece

9.2. Strong procedures must be put in place to keep this from happening!

10. More than simply integrating technology into the classroom. - Jennifer Svajda

11. Preparing students to live in the "REAL WORLD." -- Nancy Reece

11.1. I think this is true, but we need to make sure that part of what we do is teach the students how to use the technology properly based on their situation. Jennifer S.

12. Student Centered-Jonna Brewer

13. The use of technological devices to directly impact student learning in hopes to prepare them for a global society. Aspen Waters

13.1. Allowing students to use devices that they use on a daily basis in the classroom: Iphones, Ipods, etc. A better way to connect to our students to motivate them to learn the content in which we teach. -Aspen Waters

14. Educational Technology is not allowing our students to sit in front of computers and use the computers to simply prepare a document. If that is the only use for the device, we are doing a dis-service to our students. Documents need to be prepared and typed, but that is not the only use. -Aspen Waters

14.1. It is not: The students to play computer games for thirty minute, while the teacher grades papers. -Sarah Greek

15. The ability to make a connection with our students far more than what a textbook could ever do by allowing them to take on leadership roles as they began to research and discover content topics. Educational technology allows students to be engaged from the very get-go if allowed. -Aspen Waters

16. Allowing students to access information and technology to enhance their personal learning goals. -Sarah Greek

16.1. So they are in charge of their own learning and more motivated to learn. KHett

17. ...not just a piece of hardware like a computer.

17.1. a myriad of devices, software, the Internet, the Cloud, audio-visual equipment, social/educational media, and the list goes on.

17.1.1. any and all hard and software that has anything to do with making learning happen, not just in the classroom, but everywhere in the school district, at home, and anywhere that learners and technology can go.

18. A way to bring our students' level of engagement up to a more intense level. - Amanda Ford

18.1. Push them harder for retention.

18.2. Increase application skills.

18.3. Develop their efficiency with content and technology both.

19. Edmodo is a classroom style facebook that can only be used by who is allowed to use it. Great discussion boards, can add assigments, polls, etc.

19.1. I LOVE Edmodo! It's also a fabulous resource for teachers - I've gotten a ton of lessons and websites from the communities! - Jennifer S.

19.2. A secure and safe "facebook" -- makes the parents feel better. Nancy Reece

20. The iPad is a great interactive tool that the kids get excited to use, and have their teacher use. - Stephanie Brewster

20.1. User friendly for students with disabilities -- a great tool for communication! Nancy Reece

20.2. Great way to get coworkers who are less tech-savvy to get in the game. - Amanda Ford

21. A tool that enhances the learning process. -Jill Lies

21.1. Both hardware, software, and Web 2.0 can be used as tools. -Tracy Homan

21.2. Educational technology can enhance student learning by keeping them engaged as well making the content relevant and relatable. -Emily Mihelic

21.3. Educational technology can also challenge students and get them to use critical and upper level thinking. -Emily Mihelic

21.4. It does keep them engaged, it blows my mind how engaged they become when I involve technology, you would think I was doing cartwheels in the front of the classroom they are so into it. It just makes learning so much more fun for them. Plus it does keep the content fresh!

21.5. Tools in educational technology can also be used as a way of communication, not just as an instructional tool. You could use it to create progress reports or just send an e-mail to parents- Carrie Carpenter

21.6. Educational Technology can also be used to reinforce traditional teaching methods providing extra practice and motivation. - Nancy Reece

22. always changing. -Jill Lies

22.1. the use of the overhead projector is almost unheard of today. -Jelinda Smith

22.2. It can provide an opportunity for students to see the teacher as a learner, too. -- Lewis Goins

22.3. Therefore, the teacher must also be willing to grow and change in order for it to be successful in the classroom. --Kylie Booth

22.4. Which also means that teachers will need professional development and training to stay on top of it all. - Jennifer Svajda

22.5. Teachers and students can learn new technologies together, with the teacher staying a step or two ahead of the students. Teachers being a model of life-long learning. -Karie McIntosh

23. electronic devices that help capture the attention of students during lessons. Jill Lies

23.1. The SmartBoard is another great interactive tool that allows the kids to interact in a whole new way with the lesson. It gets them up out of their seat, and you can see quickly who doesn't understand a concept. -Melissa Mattox

23.2. PollEverywhere is a great way to incorporate the use of cell phones, which we all know are glued to the hands of many teenagers. ;) - Jennifer Svajda

23.3. Interactive calculators such as graphing calculators at the high school level that can be shown on the projector or SmartBoard are useful for teachers and students - Cory Kramer

23.4. Document camera that replace the old overhead projectors. - Cory Kramer

23.5. Airliners that allow you to write virtually on a PowerPoint presentation or Word document is enjoyable for students to use and is easily passed around a classroom. - Cory Kramer

24. The use of digital tools to:

24.1. teach students

24.2. teach students to teach themselves

24.3. bring the world to the students

24.4. relate to the students --Kylie Booth

24.5. Those tools also allow students and teachers to collaborate and share new ideas and perspectives that they might not have been exposed to otherwise. - Jennifer Svajda

24.6. Allow students to learn anywhere, anytime, and at any pace. KHett

25. ...making the world more accessible to students, despite their socio economic status. --Kylie Booth

25.1. Using Google Earth and international pen pals to connect our low SES students to people around the world. -Karie McIntosh

26. involves the use of some electronic resource to enhance the learning and motivation of students, but it's moving at such a rapid pace it's hard for educators to stay current with the new things out there to use in the classroom. -Melissa Mattox

27. Continual Self Evaluation-Jonna Brewer

27.1. Self reflecting using blogs. - Cory Kramer

27.2. Continued professional development -Sarah Greek