Science Fiction

Collects pertinent information that covers Module Nine of LSO119: Science Fiction

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Science Fiction by Mind Map: Science Fiction

1. N. Katherine Hayles

2. Jules Verne (French)

3. Dime Novels/Edisonades (19th Century America)

4. Amazing Stories (1926): The Pulp Age Begins

5. The Pulp Age of Science Fiction

6. Hugo Gernsback

7. Space Opera

8. The Golden Age of Science Fiction

9. Isaac Asimov: "Reason" (1941)

10. John W. Campbell

11. Alfred Bester: "Fondly Farhenheit" (1954)

12. Astounding Stories (1937): The Golden Age Begins

13. Second-Wave Feminism

14. Arthur C. Clarke: Childhood's End (1953)

15. Simone de Beauvoir

16. Kate Millett

17. Philip K. Dick

18. 1970s Feminist SF

19. Joanna Russ

20. Shulamith Firestone

21. Ursula K. Le Guin

22. 1980s Cyberpunk

23. William Gibson

24. Bruce Sterling

25. Melissa Scott

26. Feminist Cyberpunk

27. Pat Cadigan

28. Laura J. Mixon

29. Mary Rosenblum

30. Ray Kurzweil

31. Vernor Vinge

32. Charles Stross

33. Greg Egan

34. H. G. Wells (British)

35. E. M. Forster's "The Machine Stops"


37. Katharine Burdekin: Swastika Night

38. Yevgeny Zamyatin: We

39. Aldous Huxley: Brave New World

40. George Orwell: 1984

41. J. G. Ballard

42. Michael Moorcock

43. New Wave

44. Posthumanism

45. The Singularity