Input and Output Devices

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Input and Output Devices by Mind Map: Input and Output Devices

1. input devices

1.1. digital cameras, keyboards, joysticks: these devices, when connected to a computer, allow the user to input or transfer information to the central processing unit for further processing, such as to the screen to display the information input and sounds. Cameras can be used in the classroom for learning purposes, mainly because they are a great way to transfer information, along with keyboards, which help the user to convey information and to make the computer respond. This also holds true for joysticks. They can be used for toggling and making computer images move. Cameras can be a challenge because of restrictions placed on education environments in today's world, though. Keyboards and joysticks are not as often questioned.

2. output devices

2.1. printers, CD/DVD burners, iPods, GPS: these devices allow the user to move information from the computer to an external place, such as from the computer to a printer for processing, burning information to a CD or DVD, moving music to an iPod, and moving mapped areas to a GPS. The benefits of these devices in the classroom far outweigh the cons, Printers are great for class handouts. CD/DVD burners can be used to place important homework assignments before leaving at the end of the class period, iPods can be used to copy lectures, and GPS's are a little something extra for directions to the football game or for that class trip.