Reducing the complexity of a learning material

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Reducing the complexity of a learning material by Mind Map: Reducing the complexity of a learning material

1. Introduction (Duration: 1 minute)

1.1. How do people learn?

2. Apply segmenting principle (Duration: 5 minutes)

2.1. What is segmenting principle?

2.2. What are some examples of segmenting?

2.3. Why is segmenting principle effective?

2.3.1. Psychological reasons for segmenting principle

2.3.2. Evidence for breaking complex lesson into smaller parts

3. Apply pretraining principle (Duration: 4 minutes)

3.1. What is pretraining principle?

3.2. What are some examples of pretraining?

3.3. Why is pretraining effective?

3.3.1. Psychological reasons for pretraining principle

3.3.2. Evidence for providing pretraining in key concepts

4. Conclusion (Duration: 5 minutes)

4.1. What we don't know

4.2. Knowledge check

4.2.1. 10 questions 3 questions for segmenting & pretraining principles 2 questions for examples of segmenting & pretraining 5 questions for psychological reasons and evidence

4.3. References