Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Types of Validity Evidence

1.1. Content Validity Evidence

1.1.1. A simple method to determine achievement and what should be covered on a test.

1.2. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

1.2.1. The scores on this test are correlated with an external criterion.

1.3. Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

1.3.1. This is the comparison of an old test and a new test in order to find the mean of the two scores.

1.4. Predictive Validity Evidence

1.4.1. This test is used to make predictions of validity of evidence.

1.5. Construct Validity Evidence

1.5.1. This test is compared to a theory rather than an external criterion or an old test.

2. Methods of Estimating Reliability

2.1. Test-Retest or Stabliity

2.1.1. This test is given twice without teaching in bewteen times.

2.2. Internal Consistency

2.2.1. This test is split into two parts with equal amount of difficult questions disbursed Kuder-Richardson Methods 2 frequent ways to determine internal consistency of a test by using formulas. Split-Half Methods This is a method that gives examples on dividing tests equally. Problems with Internal Consistency Estimates This test uses a combo of power and speed. Heed caution if there are inflated estimates of reliability and don't test multiple subjects at once.

2.3. Alternate forms of Evidence

2.3.1. This method takes 2 forms of a test and gathers an estimate. Difficult to develop one, let alone two.