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Dismay(n) by Mind Map: Dismay(n)

1. Synonyms

1.1. apprehension

1.2. consternation

1.3. panic

1.4. appall

2. Antonyms

2.1. assurance

2.2. confidence

2.3. hearten

2.4. peace

3. Definition

3.1. Consternation and distress typically caused by something unexpected

3.2. (v) To fell consternation and distress (to be dismayed)

4. Examples

4.1. Dismayed man by unexpected news

4.2. Dismayed girl by unexpected shock from the cords

5. Other Form

5.1. dismayingly (adv)

5.2. dismayedness (n)

5.2.1. sudden or complete loss of courage; utter disheartenment