Life span

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Life span by Mind Map: Life span

1. The Preschool Years

1.1. Body shape and Structure are change

1.1.1. The growing bran

1.2. growing steadily in terms of height and weight

1.3. 3-6 years old

1.4. peak in activity level

2. Physical Development in Infancy

2.1. Gener: Female

2.2. Growth and stability

2.3. first smile, rolling over, siting up, crawling

2.4. highly developed sensory system

2.5. facial expressions and gain self-awareness

3. Middle Adulthood

3.1. Higt, Weight, and Strength

3.2. Seuality

3.3. Health

3.3.1. Heart Disease Ca

3.3.2. Cancer

3.4. Cognitive Development

3.4.1. Memory

3.5. Social and Personality

3.5.1. Relationships:Family

4. Late Adulthood

4.1. Physical Development

4.1.1. Aging

4.1.2. Physical Transition

4.1.3. The Senses: Sight, Sound, Taste, and Smell

4.1.4. Health Problem

4.2. Cognitive Development

4.2.1. Memory

4.3. Social and Personality

4.3.1. Living Arrgement

4.3.2. Financial Issues

4.3.3. Marriage in the Later years

5. Death and Dying

5.1. Dying and Death

5.2. Confronting Death

5.3. Grief and Bereavement

5.4. "living wills, durable power of attorney, euthanasia & assisted suicide, end-of-life care, and hospice".

6. Adolescencce

6.1. Physical Development

6.1.1. Sexual Maturation

6.1.2. Nutrition, Food, and Eating Disorders

6.1.3. Brain Development and thought

6.1.4. Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol

6.2. Cognitive Development

6.2.1. Egocentrism in Thinking Adolescents' Self-Absorption

6.2.2. School Performance

6.3. Socail and Personality

6.3.1. Self-Esteem

6.3.2. Relationships: Family and Friends

6.3.3. Dating, Sexual Behavior and Teenage Pregnancy

6.4. Capture Ideas

6.5. Prioritize Ideas

6.6. Define Action Points

7. Middle Chilhood

7.1. Intellectual and Language Development

7.2. Schooling

7.2.1. Cognitive Development

7.3. Social and Personality Development

7.3.1. Living in with Familiers

7.4. less physical play and activity; more sedentary activities

7.5. cognitive delays, learning disabilities, or behavioral disorders

7.6. an exciting stage

8. Early Adulthood

8.1. Age: 20-40

8.1.1. Pursuing Higher Education

8.1.2. Sub Idea 2

8.2. Married

8.2.1. Build family, Friendship

8.3. Fitness, Health: Staying Well

8.3.1. Stress