Trans-cultural Literature

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Trans-cultural Literature by Mind Map: Trans-cultural Literature

1. Writer

1.1. Self imposed migration

1.2. Circumstances of life

1.3. Experience cultural dislocations

1.4. are highly sensitized towards the process of cultural mediation, confluence and transformation.

1.5. different from other writers in their relaxed, neonomadic attitude when facing issues like displacement, national identity and cultural allegiance.

2. Metamorphosis

2.1. Dispatriation, all cultures look decentered.

2.2. including ones' own culture.

3. Intellectual Elite

3.1. Their ability to express an alternative discourse

3.2. as opposed to Dominant/Subordinate narrative

3.3. In place of post-colonial approaches which are attached to the vision of colonizer/ colonized mentality.

4. A Mode

4.1. A mode of being experienced at the crossroads of cultures.

4.2. "Dispatriation represents the assertion of the writer's freedom from the ties of cultural affiliations and national tradition.