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Ecology by Mind Map: Ecology

1. Ecosystem

1.1. Includes all the living organisms living in a specific area,interacting with one another and with the non-living environments.

2. Population

2.1. A group of organisms of the same kind

3. Habitat

3.1. The place where a living organisms lives

4. Energy Transfer

4.1. Food Chain:A series of organisms through which energy is transformed in the form of food.

4.1.1. Food Web:Complex food relationships that exists in communities in the natural ecosystems.

5. Acknowledgements: Lower Secondary Science Textbook A Chapter 15:Ecology

6. Community

6.1. Different populations of organisms living together in the same habitat

7. Physical Environment

7.1. The non-living environment

7.2. Factors:

7.3. Light,Temperature,Water,Air,Mineral Salts and salinity,pH(acidity/alkalinity)

8. Biotic Environment

8.1. All living organisms that an organism interacts with

8.2. Parasitism:The relationship whereby one organism lives in the body of another organism.A parasite usually does some harm to its host.

8.3. Mutualism:The relationship where by both organisms benefit from each other.

8.4. Predator-prey relationship:Formed when one organism eats another for food