My Journey to School

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My Journey to School by Mind Map: My Journey to School

1. Time

1.1. Target arrival

1.1.1. 8:20am

1.2. Departure

1.2.1. 8:05am

1.3. Speed of walking

1.3.1. 4 mph (approx)

1.4. Waiting for friends

1.4.1. Joe

1.4.2. Cameron

1.4.3. Gina

1.4.4. Maeve

1.4.5. Sam

1.4.6. Danny

1.4.7. Khalid

2. Environment

2.1. Weather

2.1.1. Clothing

2.2. Housing

2.2.1. Semi-detached

2.2.2. Flats

2.3. Landscape

2.3.1. Green land

2.3.2. Residential

2.3.3. Businesses

2.3.4. School

2.3.5. Roads

2.3.6. Train station

3. Arrival

3.1. Tutor Room

3.2. Hall for assembly

3.3. Concourse

4. Transport

4.1. Walking

4.2. Traffic

4.2.1. Cars

4.2.2. Lorries

4.2.3. Buses

4.2.4. Motorbikes

4.2.5. Bicycles

4.3. Road crossing

5. Companions

5.1. Friends

5.1.1. Talking

6. Equipment

6.1. Bag

6.1.1. Books Planner Reading book Exercise books Homework

6.2. Clothes

6.2.1. Weather?

6.2.2. PE kit

6.2.3. Football training?

6.3. Food

6.3.1. Packed lunch?

6.4. Money

6.4.1. Lunch

6.4.2. Break

6.5. Keys

6.6. Phone

6.6.1. Charged?

6.6.2. On silent