Types of Validity and Reliability


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Types of Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Types of Validity and Reliability

1. Content Validity Evidence

1.1. Does the test measure instructional objectives?

1.2. Does the test meet state academic standards?

1.3. inspects test questions to determine if they correspond to the instructional objectives

2. Construct Validity Evidence

2.1. determined by finding if the test results correspond with scores based on other variables that are predicted by other theories

3. Predictive Validity Evidence

3.1. predicts how students will perform in future settings

3.2. determined by giving the test to a group of students and measuring what the test is supposed to predict after a limited amount of time

4. Validity

5. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

5.1. test scores are correlated to external criterion

5.2. determined by giving a new test and an established test at the same time and calculating the correlation between the two

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6. Internal Consistency

6.1. split-halves reliablity

6.1.1. divides test in two equal parts; determines correlation between the two parts

6.2. odd-even reliability

6.2.1. divides test by odds and evens; determines correlation between odd and even numbered items

7. Tests of Reliability

8. Test/Retest

8.1. test is given twice; determine correlation between the first and second set of scores

8.2. problem of memory recall makes this a less accurate test of reliablity

9. Alternate Forms/Equivalence

9.1. two forms of the test are administered; used to estimate the reliability of the test

9.2. tests forms must be equivalent; environment must be consistent

9.3. difficulty lies in creating TWO good tests