Unit 3

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Unit 3 by Mind Map: Unit 3

1. Prime and Composite Numbers

1.1. Prime Numbers

1.1.1. Prime Factorization

1.2. Composite Numbers

2. Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple

2.1. Greatest Common Divisor(Factor)-GCF

2.1.1. Colored Rods Method

2.1.2. The intersection of Sets Method

2.1.3. Prime Factorization Method

2.2. Least Common Multiple-LCM

2.2.1. Number Line Method

2.2.2. Colored Rods Method

2.2.3. Intersections of Sets Method

2.2.4. Prime Factorization method

3. Add and Subtract Integers

3.1. Integers and the Operations of Addition and Subtraction

3.2. Integer Addition

3.2.1. Properties of Integer Addition

3.2.2. Uniqueness of Additive Inverse

3.3. Integer Subtraction

4. Multiplication and Division of Integers

4.1. Multiplication of Integers

4.2. Integer Division

4.3. Order of Operations on Integers

4.4. Order of Integers

5. Divisibility

5.1. Divisibility Rules