Threat on coral reef and mangroves

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Threat on coral reef and mangroves by Mind Map: Threat on coral reef and mangroves

1. Coral reef

1.1. Over collection

1.1.1. Overfishing in reefs and surrounding waters. Predators of these fish have less to feed on while their prey is able to increase in number.

1.2. Fishing methods

1.2.1. Spearfishing. Selective depletion of fish population disrupts the ecosystem food chain. E.g parrotfish eat algae that may inhibit coral growth

1.3. Siltation

1.3.1. Sediments from areas being cleared of forests are washed into waters. Corals suffocate due to siltation, when the water is filled with sediments.

2. Mangrove

2.1. Water pollution

2.1.1. Urban and manufacturing activities result in untreated or partly treated urban and manufacturing wastes being dumped into coastal waters. The pollution of coastal waters can overwhelm the delicate balance of mangrove ecosystems.

2.2. Land reclamation

2.2.1. Land is reclaimed for housing , industry and recreational uses. Mangroves are cleared and coasts become more vulnerable.

2.3. Rising sea level

2.3.1. Rising sea levels , together with extreme storm activity , are likely to occur in future if climate change accelerates. Mangroves will have trouble colonising areas further inland despite sea level rise as they will be in competition with human activities such as farming and the construction of sea defences.