Maximise Your Business Marketing Assets - NAPM

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Maximise Your Business Marketing Assets - NAPM by Mind Map: Maximise Your Business Marketing Assets - NAPM

1. How will you help me to solve my problems?

1.1. Relevance game

1.2. Dashboards

1.3. Reputation management

1.3.1. Napm

1.4. Sx metrics

1.4.1. Triple 10

1.5. Cleanup / triage

2. Social Profiles

2.1. What to ask Yourself?

2.1.1. How well does it link back to the right place for people to buy or get their questions answered?

2.1.2. How well does your social presence represent the problems you solve and the community that is your client base?

2.2. Key Assets

2.2.1. Facebook

2.2.2. Linkedin

2.2.3. Youtube

2.2.4. Twitter

2.2.5. Niche specific forums and groups

2.3. Common Issues

2.3.1. Profiles incomplete and don’t connect back to primary contact points e.g. phone and web.

2.3.2. Social Media is unmonitored

2.3.3. Social Media Properties don’t comply with terms of service.

2.3.4. Content is about you rather than them - solution focused rather than problem authority

2.3.5. Minimal of Youtube - lack of testimonials and explainers

2.3.6. Don't know what is being said about you

2.3.7. Unable to consistently respond to consumer engagement

2.3.8. Lack of established practices around feedback / testimonial gathering

3. Local Profiles

3.1. What to ask Yourself?

3.1.1. How easy is it to find you in local searches on google?

3.1.2. Do You ask for the sale?

3.1.3. What do your reviews say about you?

3.1.4. You might show up for your company name but what about the services you provide.

3.1.5. Are you showing up on the map?

3.2. Key Assets

3.2.1. Google Local

3.2.2. Facebook businesspage

3.2.3. Local Directories

3.2.4. Maps

3.2.5. Sensis

3.3. Common Issues

3.3.1. Profiles incomplete and don’t connect back to primary tracked points e.g. phone and web.

3.3.2. Missing opening hours and product information

3.3.3. Insufficient reviews and feedback

3.3.4. Facebook page not setup as local business page to capture reviews and check in activity

3.3.5. Inconsistent or outdated information on directory sites

3.3.6. Business information does not include a call to action or offer

3.4. Collateral

3.4.1. Images

3.4.2. Reviews

3.4.3. Video

4. Product Profiles

4.1. What to ask yourself?

4.1.1. How easy it for me to understand the products you provide?

4.1.2. How i purchase them?

4.1.3. How i use them to solve my problems?

4.1.4. What scenarios are they best suited for?

4.1.5. Who has used them successfully?

4.2. Common Issues

4.2.1. Content is feature focused rather than benefit focused

4.2.2. Calls to action not connected to a sales funnel

4.2.3. Not capturing the clients own words.

4.2.4. No landing pages that entice engagement

4.2.5. No Explainer videos of applications

4.2.6. No how to buy guides - especially important in B2B

4.3. Key Assets

4.3.1. Product Factsheets

4.3.2. Video Demos

4.3.3. Customer Testimonials, Reviews and Feedback

4.3.4. How to’s / Use Cases

4.3.5. Case Studies

4.3.6. Linked in product showcase

4.3.7. Product landing pages

4.3.8. LinkedIn product showcase

4.3.9. Facebook product show case

5. Service Profiles

5.1. What to ask yourself?

5.1.1. How easy it for me to understand the services you offer?

5.1.2. How do i select which option is right for me?

5.1.3. What will it look like when its done?

5.2. Key Assets

5.2.1. Service Factsheets

5.2.2. Video Explainers

5.2.3. Customer Testimonials, Reviews and Feedback

5.2.4. How to’s / Use Cases

5.2.5. Case Studies

5.2.6. Linked in product showcase

5.2.7. Product landing pages

5.3. Common Issues

5.3.1. Solution Selling Rather then problem content

5.3.2. Content is in jargon not readily understandable

5.3.3. What it looks like when its done explainer video

5.3.4. No how to buy guides - especially important in B2B

5.3.5. No landing pages that entice engagement

6. Triple 10

6.1. Funnels

6.1.1. Paid Media

6.1.2. Lead Generation

6.2. Your Business Voice

6.2.1. Structured Social Media

6.2.2. Earned Media

6.3. Authority Site

6.3.1. Site Structure

6.4. Do the clean up first!

6.4.1. Reduce risk

6.4.2. Reduce cost

6.4.3. Have clarity and transparency

7. Choice

7.1. Strategy Call

7.1.1. DFY Your Business Your Voice Expert Interview This is you now analysis Capability Development

7.1.2. Bootcamp

7.2. Academy

7.3. Marketing Triage

7.4. Dashboard

7.5. Small wins