To-Do List

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To-Do List by Mind Map: To-Do List

1. School

1.1. ED 380

1.1.1. Week 5 Discussion

1.1.2. Week 5 Homework

1.2. ED 470

1.2.1. Chapters 1-5

1.2.2. Differentiation Discussion

1.3. TEACH Grant

1.3.1. Apply

1.3.2. E-mail Kathy

2. Misc.

2.1. Joss & Shawn's Wedding Gift

2.1.1. Cooks on Main

2.1.2. We have until the 19th (Wedding DAY!) to pick out a present. They are registered at more places, but these seem to be the most desirable. Some places do gift cards, but that isn't what we're really wanting to do.

2.1.3. Cedar Chest

2.2. Donate Jared's Clothes

2.2.1. Wise Penny

2.2.2. Boys and Girls Ranch (Minot)

3. Work

3.1. Science Experiment

3.1.1. Diet Coke/Mentos

3.1.2. For the second graders we are trying to do mostly play based learning. We have been looking up make science experiments and the last one we did was to make a "naked" egg. They absolutely loved it, so next week we are going to do the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment!

3.1.3. Eggs/Vinegar

3.2. Phone Calls

3.2.1. Lydia

3.2.2. Paula

4. Home

4.1. Laundry

4.1.1. Clothes

4.1.2. Bedding

4.2. Clean

4.2.1. Bedroom

4.2.2. Basement Family Room

4.3. Yard Work

4.3.1. Mow

4.3.2. Weed & Water