Leadership Concepts by Sean Theoret

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Leadership Concepts by Sean Theoret por Mind Map: Leadership Concepts by Sean Theoret

1. Peter Senge and the learning organization

1.1. enhance the capacity of ALL people to work productively toward common goals.

1.2. Learning organizations must be FLEXIBLE, ADAPTIVE, and PRODUCTIVE

1.3. Requires commitment and a capacity to learn at all levels

1.4. Survival learning must be joined with learning that enhances our capacity to create

1.5. People must empowered to act upon the structures & systems to which they belong

1.6. Use ‘systems maps’ – diagrams that show the key elements of systems and how they connect

1.7. Develop Personal mastery (continual learning mode) in individuals-continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, focusing our energies, developing patience, and seeing reality objectively

1.8. Build a shared vision- encourages experimentation and innovation and a long-term view. Designing the purpose, vision and core values by which people should live. Others need to be involved and to help develop the vision.

1.9. Align and develop the capacities of a team to create the results its members truly desire by designing the learning processes whereby people throughout the organization can deal productively with the critical issues they face

1.10. Promote dialogue- creating a language more suited for dealing with complexity, and of focusing on deep-seated structural issues and forces

1.11. Understand the deeply ingrained assumptions & generalizations that influence how we understand the world and how we take action. This helps to foster openness.

1.12. Help people achieve more accurate, more insightful and more empowering views of reality (predominantly purpose and systemic structure).

1.13. Create and manage creative tension

2. Green represents leadership qualities I see in myself.

3. Blue represents characteristics/traits that I admire in my leader.

4. Personality Traits of effective Leaders

4.1. Emotional Stability

4.2. Cleverness

4.3. Conscientiousness

4.4. Agreeableness

5. What does an effective leader do?

5.1. Models FLEXIBILITY by recognizing, sometimes modifying, or adapting to changes in the school's culture

5.2. EMPOWERING- Create other leaders (and leadership teams) in the school- developing employee autonomy. They recognize the potential and abilities in others.

5.3. Recognizes and Communicates an explicit strategic DIRECTION

5.4. DEFINES the organizational vision and values.

5.5. Understand what people VALUE



5.8. Builds strong RELATIONSHIPS with others

5.9. Supports and encourages each individual’s DEVELOPMENT.


5.11. Serves as a RESOURCE


5.13. COACH


5.15. Creator of SHARED MEANING

5.16. MENTOR

5.17. Promotes open COMMUNICATION

5.18. Develops a HIGH EXPECTATIONS climate

5.19. Good LISTENER

5.20. Conflict RESOLVER

5.21. Develops TEAMING SKILLS

5.22. Negotiator for TIME and AVAILABILITY of members.

5.23. Creates a culture supportive of RISK TAKING

5.24. Embraces STRUCTURE

5.25. MOTIVATOR- creating an environment, where people want to be involved and feel committed to their work. Through this, leaders are able to influence and direct the activities of others

5.26. Designer of the purpose, vision and core values by which people should live. Building a shared vision

6. Effective leadership methods could be taught to employees