ENTERPRISE 2.0 Andy McAfee at Dev Learn 09

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ENTERPRISE 2.0 Andy McAfee at Dev Learn 09 by Mind Map: ENTERPRISE 2.0 Andy McAfee at Dev Learn 09

1. Altruism

1.1. make it easy to help one another

1.1.1. New node

1.2. stop obsessing over risks (they're rare)

1.3. Tweeters help stranded Andy fix car

2. Emergent

2.1. Internet trumps your intranet

2.2. self-assembled

2.3. self-organizing

3. Intelligence

3.1. enable peer review

3.2. experiment with collective intelligence

3.3. prediction markets/wisdom of crowds

3.4. narrate your work

4. Benefits

4.1. greater collaboration

4.2. CIA: wiki helps find the right people

5. Process

5.1. unlike Taylor's one best way

5.2. minimize workflow

5.3. expose structure over time

5.4. don't lock in too early: NewPedia failed

6. Innovation

6.1. crowd sourcing

6.1.1. diversity of interests

6.1.2. enough eyeballs, all problems are shallow

6.2. build communities people want to join

6.3. expertise is emergent

6.3.1. question credentialism

7. Impact

7.1. McKinsey: 20% performance boost

7.2. not going back to business as usual