Clips for Marko

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Clips for Marko by Mind Map: Clips for Marko

1. Csing Course

1.1. 1 Clip

1.1.1. On a similar note, you should be way more open to trades if you're the one with your own jungler in the area. Let's say that you see your teammate farming the Gromp near you as a top laner. You should be much more open to trades with your opponent, even if you actually lose the straight up 1v1. The temporary loss is worth it in this case. if it's possible for you to get a 2v1 custom then please try to get this clip, otherwise you can ingore it, it's not really needed basically we want to remake this: Trundle Renekton.mp4

1.1.2. This is because getting your opponent low will potentially open up your jungler to come in for an easy gank.

1.2. 1 Clip

1.2.1. That's the thing. Challenger players instinctively know a ton of these break points for their champions, because League is a PvP game where your opponents are trying their hardest to prevent you from last-hitting.

1.2.2. Knowing this information before-hand could give you the exact tools you need to maximize your CS every single game. Let's say you're being pressured in bottom and you're having a hard time last hitting. But you remember that Kogmaw's rank 1 E, plus 2 ult casts will instantly kill the backline. Just like that, you've secured 3 last hits guaranteed because you remembered a break point from all your time playing Kog. Here is an example of what we want: 2024-01-06 19-57-50.mp4 You can see that the clip is very outdated and that good (missing graphics, old map etc...) so we want to update it

1.3. 1 - 2 Clips

1.3.1. This is a tip that only works when you're winning lane, but guarantees that you will score every single last hit.

1.3.2. A lot of Challenger players when they're winning will begin to clear waves, BEFORE the 2 waves have collided. This is similar to focusing caster minions first. You literally can't miss any CS if nothing else is hitting the wave. We literally just want to update this custom: Cait jinx Custom.mp4

1.3.3. Again, you can only really do this when you're winning and have the wave clear to do it, but it is VERY effective. What is nice about this strategy is that your opponent will then be forced to last hit all their minions under tower. This will inevitably cause them to miss some, which will slowly but surely build you a CS lead.

1.4. 5 Clips

1.4.1. Our 9th and final step is probably one of the most important ones - sometimes the way to get more CS, is to learn when to not go for any last hits. Ideally all the customs are a melee vs ranged match up. We had comments based on that, so we should just use those types of clips, so that people don't freak out again Colored parts are the ones to custom

1.4.2. As we've mentioned previously, you're in a PvP game, and your opponent is obviously going to try to harass and fight you to deny farm. melee vs range, the melee will be harrased each time he goes for a Cs, 15 - 20s clip

1.4.3. And this can be even worse depending on how bad the match up that you're in is. Melee vs Ranged match ups in particular feel terrible, because you're having to constantly tank a ton of damage to walk up to the wave to score last-hits.

1.4.4. This creates a very big problem that players struggle to deal with. You HAVE TO farm. You can't not go for any last hits. At some point, you will have to walk up and tank some damage to CS. Same thing here, just at the end the range champ would be killing the melee champion, I think doing it top vs Quinn would be good

1.4.5. The problem is if you tank too much damage, you will be forced out of lane or killed. And if that happens, well, you're not farming at all.

1.4.6. So to maximize your CS, you need to find a good balance between tanking damage and learning when to give up last-hits that are too dangerous to go for.

1.4.7. So how do you know what to do? Knowing what minions to concede will come with experience and time, but something you can judge your choices by is the Health Potion rule.

1.4.8. Think about it like this. A Health Potion is worth 50 gold and heals you for 120 HP.

1.4.9. If the gold from the CS you're going for does not pass the efficiency of a health pot, then it might be worth conceding. For example, if you have to tank around 100 damage to secure a single caster minion, that is very clearly not worth it. You are losing more HP than the gold you're earning. More often than not, it is completely okay to concede caster minions because they're only worth 14 gold. Another custom, show the melee losing around 100hp or more for taking a single caster minion

1.4.10. On the flip side, if you only have to tank 50 or so damage to get 2 melee minions, then that'd obviously be worth. That's 42 gold which is about 80% of the value of a health pot. Meanwhile, you're taking less than half the damage the pot would heal you. To put it simply, yea, that's worth it. You can keep the same champs for this custom or start a new one A champ taking 50 damage to get 2 melees You can obviously tell that this is very early in the game, so the champs shouldn't be high levels After this please keep laning for a while (5-10 seconds), I'll need that part of the clip

1.4.11. The Health Potion rule is not a concrete thing to follow. There's a ton of nuance to decision making in this game. But it's a pretty good and simple metric to follow whenever you're unsure about when to go for or concede a last hit.

1.4.12. Finally, there's one other thing you can do in tough match ups. You also want to look at your own minions' HP bars. This way you can walk up for CS when your opponent also has to go for a last hit. Usually this will let you score a free CS without taking any damage, since your opponent will be unable to punish you while they have to focus on farming themselves. This is usually better to do during the very early levels of 1 to 4 or so. Custom of melee last hitting when the range has to last hit too so he can't harras him please get 2/3 examples of this you can see that he mentioned the levels 1-4

1.4.13. That's because your opponent technically doesn't have to go for the last-hit. Take a look at this Annie. Our own minion is getting low, so she technically has to farm soon. Following this rule, you might walk up and try and CS as well. But she can just give up the CS to go for an all-in. For this tip, you really have to think about it. Don't walk up at this timing if they can just concede the CS for a big punish. That's why this is usually better to do very early into the game. zed/fizz/qiyana walking up to wave when a level 6 annie when she has to last hit.

2. Wave control Course

2.1. 1 Clip

2.1.1. Minion damage starts to fall off really hard. At level 1, tanking a bunch of minions is a big deal. By level 9 or so, it doesn't really matter anymore. You can just go into a wave and fight regardless on a ton of champions. custom a quick renekton trade at level 9 where he e's in, Q's the whole wave and E's out

2.2. 1 Clip

2.2.1. To put it simply, a freeze is a slow push but backwards. Your goal is to have more enemy minions than your own, so your own wave gets overwhelmed and dies faster than your opponent's wave. The second goal is to thin the wave out every so often so it never completely overpowers your own wave. Basically, the goal is to have your own minions dying faster than the enemy wave, but you're also trying to prevent it from fully crashing into your tower. This sounds harder to do than it actually is. You just keep the enemy wave bigger than yours, and stop it from ever crashing at your tower. custom of making and holding a freeze

2.3. 1 Clip

2.3.1. Sometimes you will see your opponent roam, recall, or just leave the lane for whatever reason while you have a freeze. In these cases, you will do the opposite. The more minions that are alive, the more the enemy wave will overpower yours. A massive wave will quickly kill a ton of your minions, whereas a small freeze will not. So by letting the enemy wave get as big as possible, you are denying your opponent more farm for every second they're gone from lane. custom someone leaving lane, then letting a big wave of enemy minions overpower their own wave, while enemy is gone

2.4. 1 Clip

2.4.1. The other thing you can do is keep minions alive to drag. For example, let's say your opponent pushes the wave into you. What you can do is kill most of the wave besides maybe 1 or 2 minions. By the way, it's easier to keep the melees alive. Then when the next waves are coming in, you drag that minion to join the incoming enemy wave. This will also guarantee a freeze, because the enemy wave is stronger than yours. custom enemy pushes wave into you you clear all but 1 melee then you use that melee to force a freeze

2.5. 1 Clip

2.5.1. When you crash a wave at a tower, there's 2 different outcomes that can occur.

2.5.2. The first is a neutral reset. If you crash a wave, and your opponent clears it quickly, then there will be no more active minions in a lane. To put it simply, this just means that the 2 next waves will crash completely neutral in the middle of the lane. custom

3. How to Counter the Most ANNOYING Mid Laners

3.1. 1 Clip

3.1.1. Since Fizz maxes E first and that's where most of his damage is concentrated, dodging it means you will 99% win the trade and start winning lane. 1v1 vs fizz as melee- dodge his E with a dash/blink ability then win the trade Any champ but ekko, we already showed that example in the guide.