Different Types of Validity and Reliability

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Different Types of Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Different Types of Validity and Reliability

1. Concurrent and Predictive

1.1. Concurrent- "measures that can be administered at the same time as the measure to be validated" (Kubiszyn, T., Borich, D.G. pg. 327. 2013).

1.2. Predictive- "Predicts some future behavior of examinees" (Kubiszyn, T., Borich, D.G. pg. 328. 2013).

2. Criterion- Related Validity Evidence

2.1. Score test with two types of criterion- related validity evidence, concurrent and predictive.

3. Content Validity Evidence

3.1. Used to see if test questions correspond to what the user decides should be covered on the test.

4. Construct Validity Evidence

4.1. Referred to if a test has a relationship to other information that can relate to a theory (Kubiszyn, T., Borich, D.G. pg. 329. 2013).

5. Test- Retest or Stability

5.1. A test that is given twice to see the correlation between the scores (Kubiszyn, T., Borich, D.G. pg. 338. 2013).

6. Alternate Forms of Reliability

6.1. Done when scores from two equivalent test are evaluated.

7. Internal Consistency

7.1. Used to estimate the reliability of the scores for a test (Kubiszyn, T., Borich, D.G. pg. 340. 2013).

8. Split-Half Methods

8.1. Also known as, "odd or even" each item is assigned to one half or the other the total score for each student is then measured on and correlated to one another (Kubiszyn, T., Borich, D.G. pg. 341. 2013).

9. Kuder-Richardson Methods

9.1. This measures the, "extent" to which items within one form of the test have as much in common as the other item in another form and correspond the two.