Team Crunchy Creativity

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Team Crunchy Creativity by Mind Map: Team Crunchy Creativity

1. Change ahead

1.1. thinking outside the box

1.2. creativity

1.3. The joy is in the journey

2. Team members

2.1. Koen Cloostermans

2.2. Andrea Deckers

2.3. Marijke Tiemensma

2.4. jorn Munnik

2.5. Ricardo Uijen

3. Things in common

3.1. don't forget the milk

3.1.1. house

3.1.2. jeans

3.1.3. Sunny weather

3.1.4. Music

3.1.5. books

3.1.6. work

3.2. Dutch

3.2.1. Dikke Vandaele

3.3. English

3.4. Europe

3.4.1. banner

3.5. Venture Lab online learning

3.5.1. Stanford University A Crash Course on Creativity Professor Tina Seelig Innovation Engine

3.6. TED

4. Creativity is like speculoos: it's crunchy and taste for more