Staying Connected in Online Learning -- Instructor Roles and Learner Roles

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Staying Connected in Online Learning -- Instructor Roles and Learner Roles by Mind Map: Staying Connected in Online Learning -- Instructor Roles and Learner Roles

1. Learning Facilitator

2. Online Learner Roles

2.1. Independent Learner

2.2. Active engagement with their environment and others. The adult learner constructs learning (Haythornthwaite & Andrews, 2011).

2.3. Have access to computer and Internet; be competent in use of technology tools (Palloff & Pratt, 2007)

2.4. Utilize communication tools to interact with instructor and classmates, applying connectivitism (Ravenscroft, 2011).

2.5. Complete constructivist learning activities, analyze learning, taking steps of Bloom's Taxonomy of learning, and absorb, do and create activities (Horton, 2007).

2.6. Participate in community of learning through completion of activities, discussion boards (Haythornthwaite & Andrews, 2011).

3. Technology

4. Communication

5. Community of Learning

6. Online Instructor Roles

6.1. Mentor

6.2. Active engagement as a mentor provides opportunities for andragogy (Knowles, M, 2005).

6.3. Have access to computer and Internet; be competent in use of technology tools (Palloff & Pratt, 2007)

6.4. Provide communication tools: synchronous and asynchronous methods to interact with community and individual learner (Ravenvscroft, 2011).

6.5. Provide constructivist learning activities (Horton, 2007)

6.6. Utilize online course construction tools for administering course, which include expectations, prerequisites, feedback, grading (Haythornthwaite & Andrews, 2011).