CONFLICT- Identification & Exploration

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CONFLICT- Identification & Exploration by Mind Map: CONFLICT- Identification & Exploration

1. Skills

1.1. Identifying Conflict

1.2. Types of Conflict

1.3. Personal Conflict

1.4. Conflict in the media- wars

1.5. Gender Conflict

1.6. Political Conflict

1.7. Peer pressure

1.8. Allow students to share/connect with how conflict might or already has affected their lives

1.9. Develop skills to avoid or stop conflict from arising

1.10. How to articulate the impact conflict has on YOU

1.11. Identifying right and wrong

1.12. Applying understanding to situations

1.13. Building connections for students who need to talk about conflict

2. Resources

2.1. YouTube Videos

2.2. Friendship songs

2.3. War/peace songs

2.4. Low Priority

3. Plan

3.1. Define Problems

3.2. Capture Ideas

3.3. Prioritize Ideas

3.4. Outline Scope and Sequence

4. Problem

4.1. Conflict between Friends

4.1.1. Argument/ Disagreement with friends at school

4.1.2. Conflict between friends leads to isolation bullying

4.1.3. Friends taking sides as a result of conflight bullying hurt feelings

4.2. Conflict between family

4.2.1. Argument/Disagreement between mum & dad

4.2.2. Fight with older/younger brothers and sister

4.2.3. Inter-family conflict- Parents not speaking to grandparents/uncles/aunties etc.

4.2.4. Being told off by mum & dad

5. Ideas

5.1. Identifying Conflict

5.1.1. What conflict means to you positive/negative attitudes & examples

5.1.2. Types of conflict conflict in the media wars conflict at home arguments with brothers and sisiters conflict at school fights with friends fights between friends

5.2. Walk in their shoes activity

5.2.1. seeing conflict from someone elses perspective family and friends

5.3. Media Hunt

5.3.1. appropriate media articles identifying conflict ideas for resolving that conflict explaination for why that conflict exists