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Theories by Mind Map: Theories


1.1. Technology does not determine human action but human action shapes technology.

2. Media Ecology

2.1. Study of media as environments

2.2. Our understanding of media is not an institution but an environment.

2.3. Technology and techniques play a leading role in human affairs.

3. Technology Theories


4.1. How we use technology in the classroom.

4.2. Content, Pedagogy and Technology

4.3. Teachers need to be mindful of these three elements and balance them in their teaching.


6. Constructivisit

6.1. Builds on prior knowledge.

6.1.1. Task

6.1.2. Prerequisites

6.2. Take ownership of your learning.

6.3. There is negotiation and generation of meaning and solutions through shared understanding.

7. Connectivism

7.1. Learning theory for the digital age.

7.2. Thinking and emotions influence each other.

7.3. Learning occurs primarily through technology and it's connections.

8. Cognitive Load

8.1. Extraneous -inappropiate designs that force working memory to focus away from long term memory.

8.2. Intrinsic- complexity of elements that interact in the working memory.

8.3. Germane- learning resulting in schema construction and process of automation.

9. Learning Theories

10. Philosophies of Teachnology

10.1. When, where and how should I use technology in my classroom?

10.2. Allows flexible solutions for student learning.